Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Investment during Bullrun

Every time I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is check the current Bitcoin price on my mobile phone. For days I have felt like I was in the film "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray and I see a new ATH (All Time High) appear on the display. Then numerous news sites are scoured to find out what the reason for the pump is this time.

Those who already have Bitcoins in their pockets will be happy. Every day the gains get bigger and you can't get out of a grin.

The others, who have been waiting for a favourable entry point, are left out in the cold. With each passing day, the longing for the prophetic dip grows bigger and bigger.

The question now is, when is the right time to get in or increase one's Bitcoins?

The simple answer is now, but don't put it all in at once!!!!


Investing DCA

I would recommend regular investing in Bitcoin at regular intervals and consistent contributions. This principle is titled in the crypto scene as DCA (Dollar Cost Average) which can be seen in the chart below.

With a regular investment of only $10 per week from one year to now, this results in a profit of 159%.


Fire and Forget DCA

The question that has always come up for me is how to do this automatically without having to think about it over and over again.

Here I have found the solution of the Swiss crypto company Relai.

This allows automated DCA via SEPA standing order without registration. That's right without registration and the whole KYC process!

Since this company is based in Switzerland, the purchases are regulatory free. When setting up a one-time purchase or a SEPA standing order, the IBAN address of the sender is required so that the FIAT inputs can be linked to the Bitcoin address.

The management is all done via smartphone and below I have attached the links to the Apple and Google stores.

Why only a smartphone app?

Because it serves as a Bitcoin wallet to which the purchased Bitcoins are sent automatically.

During the first setup, a wallet with seed is generated in the app. I don't need to explain that the recovery seed must necessarily be kept safe as with all other crypto wallets.

Example for first SEPA standing order

The process is kept simple. In the first step, you only need to specify the desired amount and the debit cycle.

Optionally, in addition to EUR, you can also specify Swiss francs as the FIAT currency.

At the end of the process, you should specify the IBAN address of the account from which you want to transfer the money for the standing order.


There are no hidden fees here. Relai charges 3% fees for the transactions made. Thus, you can calculate exactly how much you invest.

Discounting code

Enter my discount code REL370 and you will save 0.5% in fees on all your transactions.


Direct Links to Apple and Android Store

You can download direct from these links or search in the App Stores the App Relai

  • Google Play Store:
  • Apple Store: