Bitcoin {BTC} bull dispels fears; In the wake of poor performance, survey reveals investors aren't ready to abandon ship

Bobby Lee is a prominent BTC enthusiast who established BTCC in Hong Kong. Not too long ago, while engaged in conversation with Yahoo! Finance reps, Bobby said that the future is lit-up with unprecedented achievements.

Ballet is a new initiative by Lee; this cold-storage wallet can safeguard your virtual currencies in an effective manner. Bobby wishes to help “normal people, regular people” store cryptocurrencies affordably, as most hardware, as well as off-line wallets, are pricey as hell.

BTCC ceased operations following the ban implemented by the Chinese government two years back. Since then, Bobby has sailed through stormy seas and is now back with a bang! Ribbit Capital [a firm which supported Coinbase] has funded this project of Lee’s alongside a couple more of his pals. Ballet has its head office in Nevada.

According to Bobby, people are worried about the king coin fluctuating in the market. However, Lee remains at peace. He believes that Bitcoin would soon scale beyond 50k and may reach “$200,000” in the foreseeable future. However, patience is a necessary attribute for any crypto-investor, as these assets are more volatile in comparison to stocks.

This has prevented renowned value investors like Warren Buffett from endorsing Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. However, it has failed to hold back Gen Z. The king coin was created in response to the Financial Crisis in 2008 which shook the world. Satoshi Nakamoto established a peer-to-peer mode of payment to help combat such situations.

Few analysts assume that the Bakkt launch holds the key to next bull run. By October, this site will be up-and-running and cause Bitcoin to rise all the way up to $20k.

About Post Author

Aditya Chatterjee

A specialist in comics and cryptocurrencies with an inclination towards DASH and Cardano. I have an innate desire to be a seasoned trader in the near future. Analyzing candlestick charts is a personal hobby.

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