Bitcoin ATM are growing !

Welcome to the era of Bitcoin !

The leading cryptocurrency continues to enter different markets and cryptocurrency distributors are growing. Their function is simple: exchange cash for Bitcoin, or vice versa.



What is a Bitcoin ATM ?


A Bitcoin ATM is similar to any branch ATM machine, the difference being that it works with Bitcoins and cash (fiat). A Bitcoin ATM is made to operate from the Bitcoin network and blockchain in order to perform the exchanges. Some ATMs only allow you to buy Bitcoin with fiat and check your wallet balance using QR codes displayed on your smartphone. 


Others allow you to trade Bitcoin:

This type of device may not be the best way to get bitcoin at market price (the commissions charged by these machines are often three times greater than on online platforms)



Where ?


Here is a map view of the number of Bitcoin ATM all other the world :


The top 10 countries having the most Bitcoin ATM are :

  • United States (12260 locations)
  • Canada (1156 locations)
  • United Kingdom (241 locations)
  • Austria (147 locations)
  • Spain (118 locations)
  • Poland (104 locations)
  • Switzerland (99 locations)
  • Czech Republic (69 locations)
  • Hong Kong (65 locations)
  • Romania (64 locations)

For those who did not find their country in the above list, you can find all the countries here.

You can also search online to find an ATM near you. You can use services like CoinATMradar to locate your nearest ATM.



How many ?


The number of Bitcoin ATM has slightly increased since 2015, as you can see from this statistic made by Statista (online portal offering lots of statistics) :


This significant growth demonstrates that there is a demand for this type of service, a sign of the growing acceptance of Bitcoin on all fronts.



What about you ? Have you ever used a BTC ATM ?


Personally no. I live in France and it exists only a few of them (<10) and not in my city. Therefore, I perform my buying and trading online, but what about you ? Feel free to tell me in the commentary section with your feedbacks about it :)