Bitcoin about Altcoins - Why most prefer BTC in the portfolio

Bitcoin has a clear advantage over all Altcoins. We are not only talking about the network effect, which can no longer be caught up with, but about its function as a store of value. Bitcoin represents scarcity in its purest, digital form.

A survey on Twitter also comes to this conclusion. Judging by the results, most portfolios consist largely of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is at the top

The strong Bitcoin share price increase of the last few days was quite a challenge. The BTC price has risen by a whopping 10% in just a few days and is currently still struggling to reach the USD 13,000 mark.

Although the current euphoria with Bitcoin and Ethereum is large, it does not look so rosy with other crypto currencies. The Bitcoin price rise has caused many Altcoins to bleed, and not just the BTC trading pair.

Altcoins are highly speculative and are extremely dependent on the Bitcoin price. Thus, Altcoins are exposed to a significant risk. In addition, none of these crypto currencies can compete with the scarcity of Bitcoin, which makes it a poor store of value in the long run.

What is your share of BTC in the portfolio?

Josh Rager, ein bekannter Trader auf Twitter, wollte es genauer wissen. Es hat eine Umfrage erstellt, um zu erfahren wie seine Fans aufgestellt sind. Dabei hat er gefragt, wie viel Prozent aus dem Portfolio aus Bitcoin bestehen.

Hier die Ergebnisse der Umfrage. Insgesamt haben uber 5.000 Personen an der Umfrage teilgenommen.

Most votes got the option "less than 10%". Here 35.1% of the voters agreed. Only 18.8% of the voters hold 11-50% of their portfolio in BTC.

With 23,2% of the asked ones the Portfolio consists however between 51-89% of Bitcoin. 22.9% are convinced of Bitcoin and hold 90-100% of their portfolio in BTC.

Although Josh mainly addresses people interested in Crypto, one does not know exactly what the rest of his fans' portfolio is made up of. So that doesn't mean that the rest of the portfolio is in Altcoins. Here you could also imagine shares and other financial products.

Which remains however is that 46.1% of the asked ones hold more than 50% of their Portfolios in Bitcoin. This clearly shows how convinced investors are of the digital gold and what expectations they have.

Companies and institutional investors are only interested in Bitcoin

The results will probably not surprise most people. In recent months, some companies have already announced that they have invested part of their capital reserves in Bitcoin.

The situation is similar for private investors. Those who have understood BTC know the enormous potential behind it. Others prefer to be blinded by promises of various Altcoins and usually have to expect heavy losses.

Beyond that only yesterday PayPal made public that it integrates now Bitcoin and further Kryptowahrungen on the own platform. This news has turned the entire cryptospace upside down and caused a Bitcoin price eruption upwards.

The preparation for the next Bullrun

The development at Bitcoin gives reason to hope for more. Thus not only enterprises enter directly into Bitcoin, but support the network and make the necessary infrastructure available, so that millions of humans have an easy entrance to Kryptos.

The stone already came into rolling and it is only a question of the time, until further enterprises follow. Considering that already more than 600,000 BTCs are held by companies and institutional investors, it is easy to imagine what will happen if more companies follow suit.

There are simply not enough whole Bitcoins for everyone. Up-to-date many do not understand that however with the time and with a rising price it becomes ever clearer, how scarce the first crypto currency is actually and which value it has actually.