Binance to Launch a Crypto Smart Phone

Binance has partnered with Taiwanese smart phone company, HTC, to launch “the world’s first BINANCE Chain-ready smartphone for cryptocurrency enthusiasts,” we’re told.

EXODUS 1 – Binance Edition allows you to access the Binance DEX through the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) called the Zion Vault.

“?Smartphones will play a key role in the crypto industry, and vice versa,” Changpeng Zhao, Binance’s CEO, said before adding:

“Smartphones are the most natural device for a hardware wallet, that can be made simple to use and always with you.

Crypto, on the other hand, will make every smartphone both a POS terminal and a payment device, cutting out most other middlemen. The implications are profound and far-reaching.”

The cryptophone will go on sale later this month at the price of $599 and comes with a BNB airdrop for a limited number of customers.

Phil Chen, Decentralized Chief Officer of HTC says “we are partnering with the biggest and most liquid crypto exchange along with the trust minimized principle of empowering users to own their own keys and run their own full bitcoin node.”

Binance Phone specs, Nov 2019

This is the first partnership between a crypto company and a phone company as far as we are aware, with the native DEX a very first too.

Samsung, which is far bigger than HTC, has also connected their latest phone to the blockchain, but this partnership might go further and perhaps connect cryptos with contactless phone payments too.

That’s at least what Zhao is implying with his comment above, with this Binance edition – which will have a customized Binance back cover and wallpaper – coming at a $100 discount to the original EXODUS 1.
