Better get into bitcoin before the mining ends...

As we all know

Bitcoin is almost at its cap for mined coins...

But what does this mean?

Is bitcoins value going to come crashing down?

Are miners still going to generate profit from transaction fees?

I have been asking myself this for a week now.

Like we are not there YET

But the time will come.

Honestly I think it will sky rocket to the mother fuckin moon and reach so much wow.

Btc prices will go up when there is no minable coins left, its all about supply and demand.. 

Once the supply is gone there will be only demand...

But does that only include big time investors?

What if the states ban cryptocurrency?

What if the world succumbs to corona virus?

What the fuck happens to bitcoin?

Honestly through this pandemic bitcoin has thrived reaching alot of money per btc.

Does the fact that Bruno Mars might be gay ?

All will tell 

In the next few years.

What are your opinions ?