Berlin on Revolt While Brits Wait on Boris

Berlin has been seeing almost daily protests for the past week as anger reaches new levels among shouts of ‘diktatu.’

Members of the media have been attacked according to the state owned DW which keeps emphasizing these are “illegal protests.”

That’s while footage shows protesters were holding the German constitution which enshrines the right to peaceful protest.

“We are afraid, not of Corona, we are afraid of what is happening politically in this country and what is happening worldwide,” protester Bernhard van Moll told Reuters TV.

Germans shouting ‘dictatorship’ while protesting in front of their parliament, May 7 2020.

Kaiser Merkle strongarmed state leaders in this federation as many of them began to open up their regions, including bars and restaurants.

That’s while more and more studies show this is actually just a flu, giving rise to great suspicion of some ulterior motive, with the favorite of Americans being this is a stealth communist coup by lefty infiltrated institutions.

Daily news of censorship, by Facebook, Google, Reddit, Twitter and other tech corporations, increases their suspicions only more by the day, with the English people standing out as the most obedient of all in a twist of generations even as trust in the media has completely collapsed.

Who chained you, Albania? Who drugged you, Engaland?

“Garden centres reopen on Monday, primary schools at end of month, pubs in August and gyms in October.”

So says the Daily Mail, the much hated paper that is now seemingly running Downing Street government policy.

Going to some garden is of course a very productive activity at a time when 3 million more Americans have been added to government slavery, known more commonly as unemployment assistance.

That brings the unemployment rate to 20% of the American workforce, a level not seen in this land that claims to be free.

Gyms are a sin now for five months, as are the houses of god in what is technically currently a dictatorship.

And though it is easy to say it is a temporary one, king Boris has extended it for another three weeks until May 28th.

One might now perhaps understand why Michael Gove stabbed him in the back, and like a coward he gave that same Gove the Dutchy of… his mother.

Two grave mistakes in regards to 5G shouting at Trump and going against his herd immunity scientists, have already been made by Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, the serial divorcee blond fatty, who risks drowning the reputation of this England, and turning cold the extended England of the United States, while raising Germany to the heights of the Holy Roman Empire.

On Sunday he is to address the nation, Sunday the tenth of May, to rhyme so finely with the ides of march, as this millennial generation looks at the third harsh slap by these dictators.

And if he has been able to afford two grave mistakes, it is for time to say whether a third one this Sunday can be afforded in light of what may well be cries of he is finished, or England is.

Best of luck Boris. Our advice is open at least the passport and visa offices so that whoever wants to get out of potential dictatorship can do so, open the barbers for long hair makes one vikings, and open at least London for all know this has gone from here.

Your advice from the Imperial University moreover was apparently funded by Bill Gates, at least that’s what these internet kids are saying.

In addition your extension today for another three weeks is illegal, and of course as a student of history you most certainly know the root of power is legitimacy, of which as it stand you have none for these measures.

So best of luck as you’ll need a lot of it to avoid the seemingly impossible claim to the title of replacing Tony Blair as the most hated man in Britain.


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