'Avoid Bitcoin Like a Plague' RyanAir CEO Says

Source: Adobe/Vitalii Vodolazskyi

The enraged Chief Executive Officer of major budget airline RyanAir, Michael O’Leary, stated that he hated Bitcoin, adding that everyone should avoid the world's number one crypto like a plague. This follows the use of the CEO’s image to promote a scam.

"I have never, and would never, invest one cent in bitcoin, which I believe is equivalent to a Ponzi scheme," O'Leary was quoted by the media as saying, citing The Times. "I would strongly advise everyone with any shred of common sense to ignore this false story and avoid bitcoin like a plague."

According to The Times report, this statement follows the scam advertising campaign featuring O’Leary image and promoted by a news platform called ‘dailynews-finance.’

Within the scam, O’Leary was presented as a bitcoin investor, saying that the thousands of earned euros is the easiest money he'd ever made. With claims that O’Leary made the money from Bitcoin Lifestyle, an auto-trading website, the purveyors of the fake ad wanted people to sign up for the website.

Bursting the scam, O’Leary noted that he has neither invested nor will he invest a cent in bitcoin which he believes is a Ponzi scheme.

Bitcoin scams involving high profile individuals are one of the most prevalent ways of perpetrating cryptocurrency scams in the Cryptoverse. The Times article noted that O’Leary was just one in a line of celebrities, which includes Simon Cowell, Sir Philip Green, Holly Willoughby, Lord Sugar, and Jeremy Clarkson.

As probably the most notable recent , back in July, major social media giant Twitter suffered a major security breach that compromised the accounts of 130 high profile individuals including Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Tesla’s Elon Musk, and Kim Kardashian West, among others.

The underlying motive of these scams is one: to use these high profile individuals’ public image to stir trust in the public and make them part with their funds to the benefit of the fraudsters. Sometimes their attempts fail, but unfortunately, often they succeed.


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