Are You Getting Enough Crypto Data Points to Make Your Decisions?

Where do you look when you need the 411 on any particular project, group, activity or even just the latest round-up.  The sources fall on both sides of the line of sufficient and practical.  This begs the question - Are You Getting Enough Crypto Data Points to Make Your Decisions?


This Feels Easy but There is Something Else.

As I first started looking at this topic, I figured there would be just few sources. (Maybe a couple dozen) The more I started to dig, the list kept growing.  This couldn't be just a coincidence.

I came across a great blog with a post from early this year this is looking at the landscape of 2019 and suspect there will be a 2020 update.

Really, there's shouldn't be a surprise that someone has compiled and rated a sizable list covering all of the major sources.  Be sure to check it out as it has plenty that I had not heard of before.

There are some great sources on this list and if you take a moment and read the article, the scoring systems has a solid logic to it.


You Always Need a Second Opinion

In addition to the big list from the blog above, there is no shortage of: 5 Best, 9 Best, 20 Best crypto news outlets articles.  I always start to question them when #1 is COINBASE at the top.  That's just me, you may really appreciate their content.

I did come across another source that has an interesting take on how to rank crypto news sources.

What has been fascinating to me is how they are using what is referred to as the "8-bitbot web crawler" combined with a twitter search api.  It is searching for different sites that have been identified.

The ranking is calculated by a running average over a 7 day period of mentions of the source.  They do some comparisons to google analytics and how the trend data differs.

As I looked through the list, there were some of the usual suspects that one would hope (or maybe not hope) to find along with a few others.

This seems like another source to cross against what you may normally be working with.


How is Your News Diet?

Recently, I challenged listeners on my podcast to go on a news fast.  I highlighted the importance of what you are feeding your mind everyday and for how long. It was focused on mainstream media and social media channels.

The intended outcome is to give the lens of what you are looking at the world through a chance to naturally clear.  Most of us live at such a fast pace right now, it can be difficult to unplug.

My pitch is that if you tune out of those channels for a couple days, or preferably a week, you will notice a difference in your energy, spirit and growth.  I can go more in depth on that in another article thought.


My Point Is...

...that with the cornucopia of crypto news sources, it can get easy to bog down quickly.  My formula is simple.  It's the 2 song routine.

Pick your topic and when two songs on your player or over, you're done with the news search and learn etc. 

I know we've jumped around quite a bit here, but the point is, there are some great resources and it looks like there plenty of choices for everyone.

Having your strategy for the sources is critical.

Happy Reading!



NOTE: Thank you taking a moment to check out this article.  My attempt is to post near daily over the next 120 days.  If you happened to miss the last two articles, I'll have them linked below;  Thanks again and keep on doing great things!!!