Amazon Suspends Over 6,000 Vendors for Price Gouging Coronavirus Supplies

As the global coronavirus crisis is far from over, individuals will try to capitalize on the situation. Amazon has now banned over 6,000 sellers for price gouging, with more to follow.

Cracking down on price gouging is crucial during  a pandemic.

Price Gouging on Amazon Remains a Problem

While one could commend vendors for their savvy approach, purposefully inflating prices is never an acceptable option.

On Amazon, the supplies related to the coronavirus are under a lot of scrutiny.

Various vendors are effectively price gouging these essential items, simply as a way to make more money.

Amazon is effectively cracking down on this situation, although it remains an ongoing battle regardless. 

With over 6,000 sellers currently suspended from the platform, an important first step has been taken.

This is a vast increase compared to the 3,900 suspensions last month.

That being said, it is evident that for every vendor being suspended, another one will pop up sooner or later.

There is also ample criticism toward Amazon in terms of making critical goods available, but often in insufficient quantities.

This has, in some people’s opinion, ensured that Amazon couldn’t prevent price gouging.

As such, a lot of manual action has to be undertaken, and progress is perhaps slower than some would like.