Alfacash Exchange AMA Recap Crypto Revolution Telegram group


On 22nd of December, Alfacash Exchange conducted an AMA on Crypto Revolution Community. Our guest was Chris, CMO of Alfacash Exchange. Impressive interest from our Community with a lot of questions on both Twitter and Telegram. Let’s take a look at most interesting points of the AMA.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Alfacash Exchange AMA is starting. Chat is muted. Welcome Chris. Happy to have you with us today.

Chris: Good evening. Good morning. Good afternoon guys ;) Thanks for the invitation, Danny!! It’s our first AMA today, and this group seems pretty fun.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Thank you for the warm Words man. So many Projects did their first AMAs with me. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how did you get involved into Crypto?

Chris: Sure. My name is Chris and I’m the CMO for Alfacash. I’ve been working in the crypto space since 2016 — on ICO projects like Raiden and wallets like imToken. I recently joined Alfacash, to grow our community and further crypto adoption. You can follow us at to get exclusive deals on our exchange! We love feedback and we love participation :)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Wow. Nice background.

Chris: It’s been pretty crazy working in crypto this long. Feels like forever.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: I ask almost every guest for their Experience during the Crypto Winter 2017/2018. How was yours? I think we experience another one at the moment.

Chris: Oh yea, this also feels like 10 years ago already. I actually just hodled my coins. And started a small startup with friends. Building seems the best way to participate in this ecosystem.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah agree.

Chris: At least when there is no movement in the markets. And now, with Alfacash I support builders and traders at the same time :D

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Better hold than participate in Rug Pulls and loose your money.

Chris: Oh yes. And farming and fair launches are here to stay imo.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Haha. Lol.

Chris: We will see more airdrops to early users, than we see 2017-style 90% team token allocations! Which means, we should all play more with DeFi apps. Especially ;)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Could you please describe what is Alfacash Exchange in few simple sentences for the Community?

Chris: Sure. Alfacash is a non-custodial crypto exchange that has been running since 2012. This year, we started to grow our services and want to establish a community with our deep crypto experience at @AlfacashCommunity. We also set up — a service for merchants to accept crypto, which will help us to push mainstream adoption for cryptocurrencies.

Alfacash is an exchange similar to Changelly, which can provide simple solutions to complex problems, such as how to buy cryptocurrency for new people in the space. We are able to accomplish this by providing a very simple and clean UX that every user will find easy to use. We also provide a way to buy cryptocurrencies with credit and debit cards, as well as swap crypto for crypto with over 28 options.

Our affiliate program helps introduce new users to the platform by providing them with a way to invite their friends and earn up to 20% interest for every new user on their trades. You can sign up at, refer your friends and earn free crypto!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: This is pretty good compared to all other Exchanges out there.

Chris: Yea, we think referral comes natural to the crypto space. Everyone I know, joined crypto through some friend.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeah. That’s true. How many users currently are using the Exchange?

Chris: There were about 30k active users last month. But we are seeing huge growth. Because of bull market, but also because we starting to grow our services, add new coins and erc20 tokens and new payment gateways for fiat exchange.

One of our focus points is to make fiat > crypto as cheap and fast as possible. As this is the main bottleneck for new users to join the blockchain space!!! So, wherever you come from, please join @AlfacashCommunity and shill us your favorite local payment apps!!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: What are your fees for Debit and Credit Cards?

Chris: Right now we integrate with Simplex — one of the most used fiat > crypto onramps. Which take up to 5% fees. That’s what we are gonna change in the near future!!

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Are you considering all the time adding new Cryptocurrencies to your Exchange?

Chris: We are. Especially now, as we are growing faster, we plan to add a lot of new coins. Again, we would love to get your input on new coins at @AlfacashCommunity or at

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Well since you are out there from 2012 I think trust is already built enough.

Chris: We are very trusted with our core users, yes. But our mission is to bring new users in. So we need to build trust with them. Trust in Alfacash, and trust in the whole crypto ecosystem.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: How you compare your Exchange to the big Players out there like Binance, OKEX, Kucoin, Huobi?

Chris: We aim to be much easier to use. The big exchanges mainly focus on traders, while we focus on new users and mobile traders. We make Alfacash as easy to use as possible. And technically, we can plug into Binance, etc. to get access to all the coins and tokens they have listed.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Got it. I usually do everything from my phone so prefer mobile friendly interfaces.

Chris: Yes, we also see that in Asia for example, most people use their phone for everything, right. Shopping, watching movies, playing games, trading. So we want to adopt the crypto user experience to this trend.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Well. In Europe is getting the same.

Chris: Right, Europe is just more slow :D Asia is setting the technology trends.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeap. Thanks for the Introduction Chris. Jumping straight to Twitter questions now.

Q1 from @Ontortk

Is the exchange Alfacash supported worldwide? Does it mean that anyone from any country has an account on Alfacash and how to spread Alfacash to cryptocurrency and non-cryptocurrency users?

Chris: Yes, nice question. exchange is supported worldwide (except for prohibited jurisdictions (due to AML/CFT restrictions) as we have 28 cryptocurrencies you can currently swap with. As well as options to purchase crypto with debit and credit cards.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Are you KYC?

Chris: You don’t need to verify to swap coins. For fiat > crypto you would. Gotta keep it simple.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Nice. Love non KYC Exchanges.

Q2 from @Luckyluck041

In fact, DeFi has been growing at lightning speed. What is the problem alfacash are solving for the DeFi industry today?

Chris: DeFi has been growing at lightning speed. Lightning has been growing at snail speed lol.

Firstly, at Alfacash we believe DeFi is the future of Finance so we work hard to fit into our culture. It is a fast-moving industry which we support by adding new features constantly with our platform updates. Like I wrote before, new fiat > crypto gateways, listing new coins, new native wallet support, etc.

To answer your question more simply, we make it easy for the average user to purchase cryptocurrency worldwide as we don’t have any restrictions on who can buy it (again except for prohibited jurisdictions (due to AML/CFT restrictions).

We have a simple and clean UX to make it easy to understand and utilize DeFi to the fullest by providing a landscape welcoming all users to purchase, trade, and hold a multitude of currencies.

We are constantly adding new features by listening to our community on what they want to be implemented, so you should join our Telegram to offer opinions @AlfacashCommunity ;)

Q3 from @sosyalmuh

Can I exchange my coins on my trust wallet with Alfacash without using any other app?

Chris: That’s a lucky number.


Danny | Crypto Revolution: Lol yeah. Let’s all wish something. Christmas is coming. You never know.

Chris: Yes, make a wish. Good question yeah. It is very easy to exchange crypto with Alfacash. You can use any web3 wallet, like Trust Wallet, on your phone. And you can use any normal browser, like Chrome, to exchange coins and tokens on your phone and desktop. It’s important to us that our service works on every device. That is the beauty of web3.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Yeap. Can we use METAMASK also on the Laptops?

Chris: Yes for sure. You should test it. It gets your wallet address and transaction address automatically. It’s beautiful.

Danny | Crypto Revolution: It is. Haha. Ready to have some fun with the Quiz Part man.

Chris: Yezz. Let’s see who followed the convo ;)


Question: How many cryptocurrencies does Alfacash support right now?

Answer: 28.


Question: What is Alfacash?

Best answer: The best platform ever.


Question: During our Christmas sale, you can use the code ‘CRYPTOXMAS’ to earn how much percentage off trading fees?

Answer: 25%.


Question: Which DeFi tokens does Alfacash support today?

Best answer: REP, QTUM, ZRX, 0x, LINK, Chainlink, BAT and HOT.


Telegram User:

Southeast Asia is a very vibrant school and there are a lot of development projects here, so do you have any plans to grow in Southeast Asia?

Chris: We see that Southeast Asia is pretty active in crypto trading. So we do want to speak to your local communities. For us, the main questions are, which payment apps you are using. So, which apps we should integrate for fiat > crypto payment onramp. And which coins and tokens you want to see listed on Alfacash. Also, of course, which languages we should translate our site into :) You can let us know in @AlfacashCommunity or

Telegram User:

I want to learn more about Alfacash; but the information is very small; the community is relatively empty and less; what strategy does Alfacash team have to develop the community and maintain long-term user?

Chris: We want to do more fun AMAs and more community work like this ;) This is our first one, so let us know what you think!!!

Telegram User:

A good project always has competition and duplication of ideas. What does Alfacash think about this issue? What is the long-term vision of Alfacash in the blockchain market to keep up with the trends with technology, community and related issues?

Chris: We love the Open Source nature of blockchain. The world would be a better place, if the old financial system would be as Open as blockchain. From a business perspective, we think 2 things are most important. 1. Our team is really great. We got awesome coders and a great business team and 2. we are very open to talk to the community. So, people can try to copy our product, but they cannot copy our team or our community ;)

Telegram User:

What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?

Chris: Nice question for the end of the year. We plan to expand our business, of course. Which mainly we rely on:

- supporting more countries

- building our own fiat > crypto onramp, with cheap fees

- listing more tokens

- building out new products. For example, we want to support merchants to accept crypto.

Telegram User:

What prompt you and your team to built up Alfacash? How the project is named as Alfacash? Any specific reason?

Chris: > beat the market.

Telegram User:

As I know a strong community is very important for every project. Do you plan to be a local or global project? What strategy will be used to expand the community?

Chris: Global product. Global community. We are always looking for community support. As you see, we are just starting reaching out. So every follower counts. We love to get your feedback!!!! ->

Telegram User:

What place in the modern financial system will Defi take? What fundamental problem does Alfacash solve in the modern financial system?

Chris: Very nice question. First, DeFi was mainly about raising money (ICOs). Now it added margin trading and interest protocol. So one big part is missing, which is lending against real world assets. So, fiat > crypto will become really important. And tokenization of real world assets. That’s why Alfacash is focusing on fiat > crypto and crypto > crypto.

Telegram User:

May Alfacash speak more about the security anti-hack for users?

Chris: Our exchange is non-custodial. So, we don’t hold user funds. Which is way more secure than Binance, Huobi, OKEx, etc. Security is our priority.


Chris: Ok. Let’s hold for now :) If you want, we continue later at @AlfacashCommunity ;)

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Okay Chris, thank you for your time today. Anything to add? Before I open the chat.

Chris: Yes, thanks. Currently, we run a Twitter giveaway for users to win free trading on FREE. That means no fees, as well as 5 different NFTs! The winner will be picked on the 24th of December, just in time for Christmas so be sure to enter now by following this link:

Danny | Crypto Revolution: Opening the chat now.

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