A Venus V-day Altar

As we probably all know, Venus is the planet of love, beauty, aesthetics and courtship.

This V-Day, consider making your very own Venusian altar. 

First, set aside some spare time this weekend, do a quick meditation, and take a moment to journal on the following prompts: 

-How do I enjoy giving love? 

-How do I enjoy receiving love? 

-A time I have felt the most surrounded by love was…

Then, take a walk around your house. In the spirit of Marie Kondo - notice any items, textures, or colors that bring you warm and pleasing feelings. Perhaps there is a photo of a loved one, a perfume that makes you feel extra sexy, or a note from a partner or friend. Gather these items and place them to the side for a moment. 3 items or more is great! 

Next, choose a location for your altar. It should be somewhere out of the way but easily seen. You don’t want to be knocking it over all the time - but it should be accessible enough to enjoy. My altar space is in a corner of my bedroom on two shelves on the wall. 

Clean your altar space of any clutter. You can also wipe down the surface of your altar with Florida Water, or even squeeze a bit of lemon juice into regular old tap water and use that to wipe your altar clean. The purpose is to not only physically clean the space before building your altar, but cleansing any stuck energies that might be hanging around. 

First, place 4 items on your altar to represent each of the elements:

Earth, Air, Fire & Water. 

Some suggestions: 

Earth - a bit of soil in a cup, a magic rock, flowers

Air - a feather, incense, bells 

Fire - candles! 

Water - a cup of water, a seashell

Next, place your gathered items from around your house that brought thoughts of love and warmth onto your altar. Remember, Venus is the planet of aesthetics as well - so be sure to take your time choosing the placement that most appeals to your eye. As you place each item, hold it to your heart and take three deep breaths - connecting with the memories, essence and relationship you have with the beloved relic. 

When you are finished with your altar and everything seems placed just-so...sit in front of your creation and say the following spell: 

I call on Venus - please be with me in all of your beauty! 

Sacred guardian and guide of love and pleasure

I offer you my beloved tokens of affection 

Let this altar be a portal for your power 

I ask for true love to enter my home and my heart. 

Let me give true love 

Let me receive true love 

Let me be true love.

For the greatest good of me, for the greatest good of we 

So mote it be, so mote it be, so mote it be. 

Then...visit your altar often! If you’d like, you can also add additional offerings to Venus every day or few days this moon cycle. Some common offerings could be: roses (or any flowers really), chocolate, milk, or seashells (she was said to be born of seafoam!), you could even pour a little glass of wine to leave on your altar : )


by EFM