A terrific spectral ghosty NFT - Another post for Jetcoin contest (a very scary story)

(Somewhere in an ordinary haunted house)

- Boo? What? Are you ready?

- You should be scared!

- I'm a ghost and I'm scary. Boo!

- I don't have time to waste! what do you want!

- I'm here to scare you and to haunt this house!

- I repeat, I have no time to waste. I have to participate in the Jetcoin contest and I'm late, even more.

If I don't hurry I don't have time to publish the post on Publish0x!

- I repeat. I have no time to be scared! Either you suggest some original idea or go and

haunt another house.

- I'm a ghost and I'm scary!

- Look. If you can turn fear into NFT, it might interest me.

- NFT? Jetcoin? But look here, the strangest and most grumpy man to scare had to happen to me.

there are no longer the haunted houses of the past!

- Then? Aside from wasting my time, do you have any ideas for a post on Jetcoin, or not?

- Jetcoin? what is Jetcoin?

- Ugh! Go and read some posts on Publish0x. If you leave me alone maybe you will find mine as well.

- Publish0x? Jetcoin? what is Jetcoin?

- An original way to earn as a fan of a champion or a team?

- Are you talking about football?

- Football yes, but it can be extended to other sports.

- I'm a promising youngster from the ghostly soccer team.

- You, a football promise? Let's suppose, only suppose! If I were your fan I could support you through Jetcoin.

- Do you mean that you want to sponsor a promising young ghost footballer as I am?

- Why not? But you have to convince me that you really know how to play football and that you have a great potential.

- And how would you support me?

- Old ghost, it's so simple that I hardly tell you.

- Tell me, tell me. I've always dreamed of letting go of haunted houses to go football playing.

- Let's do it like this. We go on the Jetcoin website. We create a nice NFT of your face. Indeed no, of you on a spooky soccer field scoring a goal against the Giant Magicians team.

- And then?

- I buy the NFT so that I can sponsor you.

- Ok let's do it ... but you? What do you get for it?

- I have your NFT!

- If you're really strong as you say.

- I'm strong, I'm strong!

- This has to be proven yet!

- Don't worry, no one beats me among the ghosts.

- This is precisely what worries me: among the ghosts. In any case, if you make a good career and become a major player my NFT will increase in value over time.

- So you want to invest in me through some kind of electronic card?

- Electronic card!