A Software Developer Wins the Bitcoin Wallet Hacking Contest! Received 1 BTC Award

Bitcoin and Lightning Network project developer John Cantrell successfully hacked his BTC address by checking a trillion seed combination for 30 hours. This happened as part of a competition launched on Twitter by Alistair Milne, Atlanta Digital Monetary Fund CIO.

For several days, Milne published clues about a 12-word Bitcoin wallet seed. Using the Cantrell brute force method (trying all possibilities individually), he only got 8 out of 12 words and received 1 BTC award in the wallet.

The developer has rented several graphics cards

Cantrell determined that he can control 1,250 combinations per second using the CPU seed decoder he wrote himself on Macbook. To do this, he decided to rent several graphics cards through GPU markets and Microsoft's Azure cloud computing service.

What is "seed" in a Bitcoin wallet?

During the initial setup of hardware wallets, the "seed" code of random words is generated. The user should leave this password aside and leave it aside. If the PIN code is entered incorrectly 3 times, it is possible to access digital assets again thanks to this seed information, as the wallet was stolen, lost or a technical problem occurred.

What is a crypto wallet?

Before you start trading or trading with any cryptocurrency, a place is needed to store them. In the simplest terms, software that will prove your money, facilitate your trade and check your balance when needed is called a crypto wallet or digital wallet