A Simple Hack To Always Stack More Bitcoin

Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution. As with any monetary revolution, the major changes that Bitcoin will bring about will take time to fully bear fruit. So if you want to take full advantage of Bitcoin in the years to come, you’ll have to understand that Bitcoin is a marathon, not a sprint.

That means getting into a virtuous circle in which you apply the four “Keep” of Bitcoin to the letter:

  • Keep Learning.
  • Keep Buying.
  • Keep Stacking.
  • Keep HODLing.

It’s very easy to write and understand, but in practice, you’ll find that it will require complete trust in the Bitcoin revolution. Too few people are really capable of doing this.

Some will sell their Bitcoin at a loss, while others will take profits in U.S. dollars, forgetting that what awaits Bitcoin in the future is even greater. Furthermore, trading Bitcoin for a weak currency like the U.S. dollar clearly makes no sense if you really understand Bitcoin.

Others will buy Bitcoin once and then stop there, always waiting for a better opportunity in their eyes to buy Bitcoin at a lower price.

By doing this, you will forget to apply the “Keep Stacking” rule.

A simple hack can help you avoid this. This hack is nothing fancy, but it will prove to be devilishly effective. However, you must have complete confidence in the Bitcoin revolution to be able to apply it successfully.

Here is an illustration of how it works:

This virtuous circle begins with the purchase of BTC. Once this purchase is made, you will have to send your Bitcoin directly to cold storage. By doing this, you will actually ensure the security of your Bitcoin by enforcing the “Not your Keys, Not your Bitcoin” rule.

Any Bitcoin sent to cold storage should then be forgotten. Let it grow in the years to come by not giving in to the social pressure of those who will tell you to take profits when the price of Bitcoin breaks new records in the months and years to come.

This approach will ensure that you always have a zero BTC balance on the various trading platforms where you buy Bitcoin.

By constantly seeing that zero number displayed, you will feel constantly in FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) mode. So you’ll want to buy more BTC to take full advantage of this incredible monetary revolution.

You will return to the first step of this virtuous circle by buying Bitcoin again.

Of course, this hack will only work if you have complete confidence in Bitcoin and continue to HODL no matter what in the years to come. So it all depends on you and your relationship with the Bitcoin revolution.

Final Thoughts

Contrary to what some people think, you don’t need to have a lot of money in U.S. dollars to enter this virtuous circle. Bitcoin offers tremendous divisibility. It is divisible up to 8 digits after the decimal point. Of course, you should take advantage of this property of Bitcoin.

Buying even $10 in BTC each week will make a huge difference in the future if you are consistent in your efforts to accumulate more BTC.

The hack I’ve just presented will be your best ally in building your game for a better future.

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