A n00bs journey into crypto - Part one

The first time I really noticed Bitcoin was in 2017. I think I'd maybe seen an article about it and wanted to learn more. I was intrigued by this different form of currency but I couldn't understand how it was different from FIAT (not that I knew the term FIAT back then), nor could I understand the mining process. Why was this virtual currency being 'mined' and why couldn't people just download it?

I was tempted to invest in some Bitcoin back then, but decided against it. I was reading a lot of anti-crypto articles, I was unsure how it worked, and not being very good with technology I couldn't actually work out to buy crypto. 

I haven't really thought about bitcoin (or any other crypto for that matter) until this year. Suddenly Bitcoin was everywhere! I saw a video where Ali Spagnola had earned 1000s of dollars from a 50 dollar Bitcoin gift she'd received a few years ago. I saw a tiktok video if someone with a mansion who'd 'got lucky with Bitcoin'. And finally, a work colleague started a conversation with me one day telling me how he wishes he'd invested in Bitcoin before it exploded. This all piqued my interest again.

As a young person with a limited budget working in a minimum wage job I'm very interested in investing for my future. And although I'm late to the game, I think crypto might be a good investment. This week I've been looking for ways to earn . On Monday I started with crypto faucets and I love them! I especially like the games on Rollercoin. When my boyfriend noticed me playing on my phone more than usual he asked what I was doing. With a huge smile I replied 'earning free Bitcoin!'. He looked a bit confused and said 'Riiiiiight...' I don't think he believes in crypto. I told him a Bitcoin is currently worth over 6 million kronur. He was surprised and asked how much I've earned so far. 'About 4 kronur' ??

I haven't convinced him. 

On Tuesday I registered with COINBASE and bought 5 euro worth of Bitcoin and received an extra 5 euro for free. On a whim I also bought 5 euro of DogeCoin. I like memes and Elon Musk talks about it a lot. He's rich and people love memes so it must be good. I'd also listened to a podcast about whether Elon Musk was going to take Doge 'to the moon' or not. Apparently this does mean he's considering putting a picture of DogeCoin on the moon via a SpaceX mission. I genuinely thought it meant that!

Later on Tuesday I was messaging a friend asking if she's ever considered crypto. 'Oh you should talk to D' (her boyfriend) 'He holds Bitcoin and another one I can't remember, something nerdy...' she said.

DogeCoin? It has a dog meme on it.' I asked.

Yeah that's the one! It's doing terribly right now. It's really bad

Well f*ck.