A full-time crypto hustler's finacial goals for 2021

If I was to describe 2020 with one word that would be Interesting

Covid-19, police brutallity, U.S elections and many more added their own unique touch in our memories.

Despite all that sh*t, opportunities emerged for those who had their eyes open and I really want to think that I did my best to grab every single one of 'em. My crypto hodlings are looking healthier than ever, I am finally able to pay my rent and bills using the crypto I earn for sharing my content on crypto-related platforms like Hive, Dtube, TORUM etc. and I am also feeling awesome both mentally and physically!

I guess 2020 wasn't that bad for me after all...

My 2021 Financial Goals

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I am a simple man so I have set some simple financial goals.

First and foremost, I will keep promoting Skatehive Skateboarding Community all over social media, focus on onboarding new users and seal new partnerships like our collaboration with LBRY Skateboarding Community. We united our communities under the name Skatehive and we educate our users on how they can monetize their content and earn both Hive and LBC for doing so.

The Dream - If Hive moons, me and the folks from Skatehive are gonna organize a Skatehive Skateboarding Tour. We are gonna meet up somewhere on the globe, skate together, have fun and film the first ever "Skatehive Tour" Video.

Marc Johnson

“All skateboarding is, is putting ideas into action.”

On a more personal note, I will continue hustling hard in every crypto social media platform so I can keep growing my (crypto) net-worth and paying my bills. I by any means want to work for someone else so I'll give my 110% on achieving financial independance in 2021.

I am a carefree guys so I am not following a specific plan on how to achieve financial independence other a couple of quotes I always have in the back of my head. These are "work hard, play hard" and "spend less than you earn".

For now, I will not be investing money in anything other than crypto unlessany of my crypto hodlings moon and I am able to buy me something cool like an appartment! I think 2021 will be the year of decentralized social media platforms so I am extremelly bullish on #Hive, #TORUM #LBRY and #Dtube.

Hive for it's decentralized nature and awesome community, TORUM cause it's a unique project with a really solid team, and Dtube/LBRY cause they rock!

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That's all as far as it comes to my financial goals for 2021! If there is one thing I learned in 2020 it's that you never know what's gonna happen so I prefer to follow the trends and act quick than stick to the plan!

What are your financial plans for 2021?

Participate in Dan's contest, share your thoughts and earn #Hive and #LEO. It's that simple. Here is the link to the official post

- https://leofinance.io/@theycallmedan/financialgoals2021-initiative-or-share-your-plan-to-grow-in-2021-or-hive-and-leo-prizes


Thank you all for your support.

As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.

Much love to everyone and always have fun.


Earn Crypto For Your Content *(Affiliate Links)*

- Sign up on Hive : https://peakd.com/register?ref=knowhow92

- Sign up on TORUM : https://www.torum.com/signup?referral_code=knowhow92

- Sign up on Dtube : https://signup.d.tube/

- Sign up on LBRY : https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@knowhow92:d

- Sign up on PUBLISH0X : https://www.publish0x.com?a=46dBznWd79

Find me Here

?? Hive: https://www.peakd.com/@knowhow92

?? Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJTNnvAHca8jcxaBpWn-bzA

?? Twitter : https://twitter.com/theocharis_ch

?? Lbry : https://lbry.tv/@knowhow92:d

?? Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/haris_housos/

?? Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/knowhow92