A Farewell Letter to Eobot: With Love, Alexx

For anyone new to it, Eobot is a cloud mining website and a mining pool that has been operating since 2013. They offered the options to "mine" in a lot of different coins, even doing so simultaneously, as you're actually getting a rate (expressed in fiat currency for convenience), that's then 'converted' in the cryptocurrency you previously chose.


Right off the bat, this is not a hate post or a rant, much the contrary, I never had an issue with Eobot, and if I did, support was amazing, and everything was taken care of, swiftly.


Also, may I add that I joined Eobot in 2016 and invested into them the most I ever did on Crypto, at the time, and that remains true today. Yes, I turned a profit in them, and till this very own day, I own a GHS6 rental (my initial investment was on GHS3, I must add).


Eobot was brutally different from the rest and stood out from the sea of "get right overnight" programs and sites that were the norm at the time. Their long term investment proposal was for me a novelty, a four-leaf clover, finally, an offer that made sense business-wise, that sound like it could work, and sure it did.


Yet, here I am, entering the site for the last time, just so I could get a few statistics and some dates for this piece.


At the time of writing, my GHS6 is mining at a yearly rate of $ 0.00038469, and I would gladly reinvest if I could.


But I can't, and even if I could, thinking thoroughly about it, it would not be the smartest of the decisions, as the mining fee is now clocking in at 92%, plus there are no more contracts available anyways, as stock is out by 99%.


It's particularly sad to see Eobot go, at least metaphorically, as it's not going anywhere as far we have been told.


However, it's not even worth keeping track off at this point, so the time had come, it's the moment to remove it from my track portfolio.


To the oasis, in the desert that was cloud mining back in 2016, to the site that made believe that there was real value in crypto when everything I had found so far was different levels of scams: thanks, and goodbye.


By the way, thanks for the gift in DOGE for my birthday, it was a nice gesture.


Was a pleasure making businesses with you Eobot, Alexx.


Feel free to follow me on Twitter, if the times comes, and there are new contracts available, and you decided to sign up, consider using my referral link.