A dime not spent on a 170 Crypto income earns 111.28 usd

       I havea plan to earn my self 170 dollars worth of Crypto in 2 Moths starting today January 19th. I will produce this as an originally written text to life financial plan; currently January 19th 2020.1  .  I am reasonably confident that my original contentative writing. I will enerate this income by adding it to a wallet and secondly a small percentage on a longer term account for saving and low term investments. Like for example I will drop a small percentage of savings into fish.io.com and I will    n. Keep a long term eye of focused with the success off account promotional events.

     I will write my first article process by February 11th and predict my 3 week success ; due to a potential time crucial income off the 4th crypto income exchange. And add 70 cryp bonus onto my cryp m a I  saving. I project that by February  26 I will have %100 income on1 FARM1 ?102USD

AMPlL40.025? 40USD

ETHEREUM0.0311111? 33.1111USD

My overall goal balance by March


     Robert B Elder, 2020.1/1/19/2021