58% Bitcoin HODLers willing to wait & Hold even if BTC price does not Break the 10K barrier till they die!

A Twitter poll conducted by Peter Schiff, American stock-broker, economist, author and host of Peter Schiff Show Podcast asked Bitcoin HODLers how much more shall they wait for Bitcoin to stay below $10,000 before they ‘throw in the towel and sell’.

The poll final results with 28168 votes showed that a whopping 57.5% of respondents were willing to wait & hold onto their coins even if the price of Bitcoin doesn’t break the 10k price barrier till they die!.

#15.1% said they may wait for an year to decide and sell.

#14% said they will wait for 3 years and

#the rest 13.4% will HODL another 10 years to sell!


As per a Chainanlaysis report only 19% (3.5 million) of total circulating supply of Bitcoin is actively traded worldwide while the rest is being held as a long-term investment, with it being treated as Digital Gold. While the remaining 20% of Bitcoins have never moved from their addresses for 5 years or longer.

This data suggests that people HODLing have faith in Bitcoin turning more bullish in the long term period. Overall general cryptocurrency sentiment seems that now it could well turn out to be a good time to live for us only if Covid-19 doesn’t play spoilsports!



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