500 Missions accomplishment, A free card pack and further improvement on Rising Star!

I have finally left my Home Town to the bigger and more crowded Local Gig Circuit that i also had my first Radio interview to present my music, Sweet!! As you can see my fan base also increased to 617 and it's almost equal to my skill lvl, which means that i have my brains still in my head!

500 Missions accomplishment and further improvement

I didn't have any intention to be aggressive on this game like i did on others, mainly because i can't afford to invest much money on three Hive games in the same time (4 now with Rabona) and because Rising Star seemed to me quite complicated in the beginning. Well it's not, basically is very well developed with many things to do and by far the most profitable game on Hive Blockchain right now. A great part of the game that i really enjoy is that playing the game you are able to earn cards for free according to your achievements, which means that you can improve your band (along with your earnings) without a single penny spend!

Starting with 100 mission achievement you can get your first free card (when i did that was a free card pack), doing 110-120-130 missions will also reward with a free card for each and completing 500 missions you are eligible for the next **FREE** card pack that i just received today!! As you can see you can play casually and improve in-game without being stuck on the bottom of the barrel, Pas Mal. For me that second free card pack motivated me to invest a bit further and buy a card pack and and a mid range acoustic guitar that is a requirement to move into the local gig circuit.

My new cards

The free pack was better than that i bought with Starbits and gave me a Metal Drummer that i needded, a can of petrol and a room to make noise!

R2 Metal Drummer

150 Fans, 100 Skill and a small portion of luck and income modifier.

Cool card!

Can of Petrol

I don't have a clue for what is that card about.. Still a free one!

Cheap Rehearsal Room

Either that i have a room to make some noise i also don't know what's the benefits of that card. Freeby also!

What did i get by buying a card pack

Well it's not that great but i did get Cheap Drums for my drummer, a cowbell for luck and 10 loyal dogs!

Finally i bought a Mid range acoustic guitar that i need to move into the Local gig circuit for Hive on the market!

i6 Mid Range Acoustic

That's for now is enough, i will play a bit in LGC before i get improve any further, patience is key to be a **RISING STAR**!

If you want to join a great Hive game just click on my ref link!!



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