005 - The 5C'S of 2020: Covid19, (small) Companies Communism, Currency and Cryptos

Hello you all, it's been a while since I don't come here.

I have been too busy finding more work since this year I was without a salary for 3 months because of lockdowns all over Europe.

Regarding my post title here goes my simple explanation:

Since COVID19 "hit" the world small COMPANIES are having problems with their finances. Believing or not in the virus does not matter. Government is issuing new laws or mandating lockdowns in society that destroy economies and end our freedoms. But there is a catch!! COMMUNISM does not follow the same rules. PCP (Portuguese Communist Party) in 25th of April was allowed to make protests in the streets celebrating the end of fascism in 1974 (funny), was allowed to celebrate outside again the 1st of May the international workers day again during lockdown, was also allowed to be the only institution (public or private) to make a Music/Cultural/Political festival in September and now again this month during the second lockdown when all the Portuguese had to be at home and were not allowed to cross counties/districts, they were allowed to make their political congress on a full weekend.... COMMUNISM in Portugal needs "money" and for that it's party was allowed to make all these initiatives...I also need it but because all these lockdowns CURRENCY in my bank account is not abundant.... The good thing is that CRYPTOS are rising. It may help many of us if we need it in future.

I sincerely don?t understand the Portuguese people, it seems we are sleeping while politicians steal our freedoms...



image one: corona virus

Image two: red flag

Image three: Currency

Image four: Bitcoin