Want your posts to start trending on Publish0x? Here's how to start

If you are a new author on Publish0x, you know how hard it is to get noticed. There is a lot of talent in this community (and on others such as YouTube, Hive, Minds, etc.), and your new posts often get buried. In order to get more views and tips, you will have to change your mindset. Here are 4 questions to ask yourself to get a fresh start.

1) Who is your audience?

Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash


Many writers are inspired by topics they know or care about. But let's face it, if you want to monetize your article on Publish0x, your post will need to appeal to an audience who will offer a tip. It's not realistic that everyone will be interested in your work.

Ask yourself who you are trying to reach. Is your target audience: 

  • new authors on Publish0x?
  • crypto traders?
  • readers looking for fitness advice?
  • interested in sports?
  • looking to place wagers on sports?

Your topic and your writing style will need to be customized to your audience, otherwise your message will not get through. Many new authors neglect the fact that the size of your audience will have a huge impact on your earning potential.


2) 238 articles were posted yesterday. What will motivate your audience to view yours?

Publish0x site-wide stats for September 9, 2020 - Graphic by Publish0x


Selecting the right topic

Once you have decided on your audience, it should be easier to select a topic that will appeal to your audience. A popular topic will lead to a higher likelihood your post will get viewed, which also leads to a higher likelihood you will receive a tip from a reader.

My suggestion: Study what topics are being written about when you check the popular section of Publish0x. If you are serious about monetizing your work, those are the topics that are receiving the lion's share of the tips at the moment.

Personal commentary: I decided to focus my writing crypto-related topics to increase my earning potential. ??

Additional motivation

Another motivating factor that may gain your more views is to host a promotion or giveaway. Who wouldn't want a chance to win something? There are other ideas that can be used to draw attention to your posts, so I encourage you to be creative!


3) How will you connect your target audience?

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


From my experience, a new post will be available under "New" for about an hour or less before it fades to a back page. That's not much time to get noticed by a new audience!

How will your audience know that you posted something interesting? What platforms do they use to communicate? Facebook? Discord? TikTok? Instagram? Twitter? If you don't have accounts for some of these social media platforms, you may need to create them to reach your audience.


4) Who is your competition, and why are they successful?

Image by Herbert Bieser from Pixabay


If you haven't realized this by now, you will probably have to change your mindset, and begin thinking like an entrepreneur in order to successfully monetize your online presence. But here's an easy blueprint to follow if you are not sure about how to do it.

Find out who your competition is, and study what they do to be successful. 

Just like you, they all started off with zero online followers in the beginning.

  • What did they do to increase their number of followers?
  • What did they write about?
  • How do their posts look compared to yours?
  • How did they engage their target audience? 

At this point, I would encourage you to reflect on your current approach with PUBLISH0X and see if you can make some small changes.

And remember that if I can do it, you can too!


Thanks for reading, and stay safe!


Cover photo (cropped) by SpaceX on Unsplash