Tezos Developer Creates XTZ Prize Pool for Coronavirus Research

The cryptocurrency community behind Tezos has come together to offer an XTZ prize to help combat the Coronavirus. 

Tezos developer Johann Tanzer published a Medium post on Mar. 2 encouraging Tezos users to devote computing power towards Coronavirus research in exchange for a potential prize pool of XTZ. 

Tanzer was inspired by the efforts of [email protected] ([email protected]), an organization created by Stanford Labs which allows users to contribute their computing resources to calculate protein folding and contribute to scientific research. 

He wrote, 

In the last few days I have seen many people in the crypto community become very concerned about covid19, I thought that a good amount of them probably have gaming pcs or old mining rigs, so I encouraged people to start [email protected] with [a] tweet.

Tanzer published a tweet asking tezos users to create [email protected] accounts and provided an XTZ address for others to donate to the pool. According to the post, whichever team accumulates the most [email protected] credits by the end of the month will receive the pooled prize payment. 

As of writing, the pool has accumulated more than 340 XTZ ($930).

Featured Image Credit: Photo via Pixabay.com