Splinterlands | Equalizer Challenge

Something different this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge as it is a game rule that is being highlighted instead of a card or an ability. This is the Equalizer Game Rule...


Game Rules are a great thing in SPLINTERLANDS as they make almost every match unique in one way or another and give almost every card actually useful when the right conditions are met. The Equalizer rule is one of the more recent that was added giving each card the amount of Health to the one that has the highest on either team. This usually brings about my favorite matches as they tend to play out fun and interesting.

Equalizer Game Rule Tactics

  1. Let max health come from the opponent his cards. This basically gives you an edge on mana that you can use as health is one of the factors calculated in how much mana something costs. Especially in low mana battles, if you can feed of the health from one of your opponent his cards you almost always will end up as a winner.
  2. Heal can be super useful since it is done as a % of the total health, so low health cards will get 2 heal each round while high health cards can get healed with 4 extra life.
  3. Using Specific cards that have low health as disadvantage. I'm mostly thinking of something like the Exploding Dwarf or cards that have the Life Leach ability like the Vampire.



In this specific match, I went for max heal and a hard (impossible) to kill tank in the form of my Lord Ariantus. Using the Daria Dragonscale Summoner that gives +1 Melee Attack, I followed it up by 2 big melee cards. The Dragon Jumper & the Sand Worm. The Double heal for my main tank came in the form of the Tortisian Chief and the Crustacean King. To end the line-up I choose for the Water Elemental which has self Heal. All my monsters got a lot of extra Heal from my opponent his max heal card which is key to success in these matches.




My tank was simply impossible for the opponent to kill and the match ended win an almost flawless victory where all my monsters stayed alive.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

Splinterlands | Flesh Golem Challenge

Splinterlands | Soulstorm Challenge

Splinterlands | War Chaang Challenge

Splinterlands | Koblod Miner Challenge

Splinterlands | Captain's Ghost Challenge

Splinterlands | Child Of The Forest Challenge

Splinterlands | Phantasm Challenge

Splinterlands | Silvershield Warrior Challenge

Splinterlands | Gloridax Soldier Challenge

Splinterlands | Tortisan Fighter Challenge

Splinterlands | Barking Spider Challenge

Splinterlands | Twisted Jester Challenge

Splinterlands | Armorsmith Challenge

Splinterlands | No Attack Challenge

Splinterlands | Blast Ability Challenge

Splinterlands | Sneak Ability Challenge

Splinterlands | Opportunity Ability Challenge

Splinterlands | Javelin Thrower Challenge

Splinterlands | Giant Squid Challenge

Splinterlands | Serpentine Spy Challenge

Splinterlands | Goblin Mech Challenge

Splinterlands | Nectar Queen Challenge

Splinterlands | Manticore Challenge

Splinterlands | Undead Minotaur Challenge

Splinterlands | Spark Pixies Challenge

Splinterlands | Serpent Of Eld Challenge

Splinterlands | Gelatinous Cube Challenge


All Splinterlands players are free to join this Weekly Challenge (regardless of your rank) and will get rewarded by the team with Upvotes on Hive. If you haven't tried out the game yet, this is a great opportunity as it allows you to earn back the 10$ Price of the Summoner's Spellbook you need to get your Hive Private Keys after creating an account, share in the game rewards, get Daily Quests, join tournaments, Earn DEC for each Ranked Win,... 



I continue to offer what I believe is the best available deal to everyone that wants to try out the game themselves and is using my Referral Link. This creates a win-win where new players get a head start in the game by having a whole lot of extra cards leased out to them which also increases their needed collection value score. To see the details check out The Full September Sign-Up Deal I'm offering.  The Splinterlands team also still runs a promo where everyone that signs up with a referral link gets a random card from the @sl-giveaways account.

To see what can be expected in terms of earnings from the Splinterlands game, check my monthly earnings reports. The numbers will likely go down with the new reward restriction implementations that started this month.

  • August 2020 | +138.59$
  • July 2020 | +112.810$
  • June 2020 | +105.774$
  • May 2020 | +180.384$
  • April 2020 | +133.927$
  • March 2020 | +76.153$
  • February 2020 | +105.25$
  • January 2020 | +136.44$

To understand what the game is about and how it can be played check the video below!

Important: Treat games in the first place as games and not as investment opportunities, Splinterlands allows you to earn some money and get good returns but you are much better off flipping burgers in Mcdonalds when looking at the money earned for the time invested.

Hive: https://hive.blog/@costanzaPublish0x: https://publish0x.com/costanza

Uptrennd: https://www.uptrennd.com/user/costanza

Twitter: https://twitter.com/costanzabets