RollerCoin Season 3 Event: A Christmas Ham

RollerCoin's Season 3 teaser was posted today giving a season start date of December 20th, and it turns out this might be a holiday themed event after all:

Honestly, I'm still not convinced. I know, I know... the pixels are right there in red & white for the world to see, but think about it... These are 60-day events.

If you were crafting something holiday-themed and wanted people to get excited about it, wouldn't you want it to take place in the time leading up to the holiday, when everyone was excited for the season? If you start a candy-striped event on December 20th, which then stretches 60 days into late February, it would strike with a weirdness of being misplaced in time.

By the end of the first week, people will be over the whole holiday thing, past the solstice, and looking forward to moving into the new year (F***ing Finally) and the coming spring.

It makes more sense to give a long-term event like this a more generic theme like Winter, or the New Year, or a later holiday like Valentine's Day.

As much as I would thoroughly enjoy the thought of a hamster powering his crypto-farm with a little miner that is in turn powered by a microsociety of elves.

I think the trailer is just telling us that this season, and all the cool stuff being released with it are RC's gift to us.

And I stand by my assertion that this season will be more complex than before.

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