Rant #3: GAS fees are the Crypto version of Square/Uber fees

Chicagoan originally. High taxes are as natural as breathing air. Cook County, where Chicago resides, is among the most expensive places to live in the United States. But man, I'll never moan about paying that 12.5%, or whatever it is now, after looking at how outrageous the GAS fees are for voting for the Epoch for Kyber. 

I'm like a lot of us: COINBASE free offering, took my $6-$8 ICO in stride and wanted to give it a whirl. Immediately used leftover ETH to stake. Then came the moment of truth last week.....after two weeks I could finally vote! It was almost like someone finally let me walk into the club after the bouncer said "nah bruh, not him" to my face.....and I got to the 2nd bouncer. 2nd bouncer wanted $8.77 in ETH for a GAS fee and at that time I just tossed my tablet over my shoulder. To be honest, best decision I could've made (short term) as ETH went from around $360 to $440 in a short span. 

What's the tie into Square, Uber you may ask? Different products, same stink. Personally, Square charges way too much to process payments. I like this thing called net revenue and Square pretty much takes its 12.5% for every $ almost every time you swipe your card somewhere that uses its processing tech. Manual swipe? Even worse. Uber? Especially Uber Eats? That back alley mafia hits the driver and the rider with fees every turnaround. I think I tried Uber Eats like 3 weeks ago and saw a $2.70 fee toward Uber while the driver (me) only netted $3 for a delivery and the customer paid upward to $10 to get something delivered that was legit only $12. 

Gas fees are so shady until the eventual fix that companies like these might get in on that action. Soon as Chase starts offering you the capability to save your Tezos in an online crypto account for 0.01% APY, just know its only a matter of time before they start charging you $5 in Tezos just to store your $499 Tezos balance. Fees man, why can't just make them go away?