Prominent Crypto Accounts Hacked En Mass

Numerous very prominent Twitter accounts have been hacked under unclear circumstances as the story is just developing.

Bitfinex, the Gemini exchange, the Tron account, Justin Sun, Charlie Lee, the @bitcoin account, Changpen Zhao of Binance, Kucoin, OKEx, Francesco M. (@DrFM85), and many other Twitter accounts were just hacked.

“FYI, we had 2FA enabled for @Gemini. We are currently investigating root cause. Please stay tuned,” Tyler Winklevoss of Gemini said.

They were all hacked to tweet the message pictured above, all saying the same thing a few minutes ago:

“We have partnered with CryptoForHealth and are giving back 5000 BTC to the community.”

That links to a scam site that has the now common ‘send one bitcoin to receive two back’ scam method which has plagued dominant social media platforms for years now since 2018.

Bitfinex twitter account hacked, July 2020


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