Pornhub premium subscription: Bitcoin and Litecoin now accepted

Popular porn platform, Pornhub has announced that it has started accepting payments for Pornhub premium subscription via Bitcoin and Litecoin.

The announcement of the new payment method was announced by the company on its official Twitter handle

To buttress the point, Vice President at Pornhub, Corey Price, said he and his team have been working tirelessly to keep up to date with payment methods. Furthermore, he said accepting Bitcoin and Litecoin is just the start of the new technologies that the company was hoping to explore.

The VP said: 

Since the beginning, we have been cheerleading other firms in the acceptance of new technology and this new payment feature for Pornhub premium subscription will serve our customers better.

Pornhub started accepting crypto for Pornhub premium subscription since 2018

The porn franchise which is located in Toronto, Canada, has previously allowed members to pay for Pornhub premium subscription via digital assets in the past. As far back as 2018, the customer base of Pornhub was ecstatic after the company announced that Verge was going to become the first accepted digital asset on the platform. 

Recall that the Verge token is a coin that was coined from Dogecoin which previously was known as Dogecoindark. As a result of the privacy features that were present on the platform, it was the perfect relationship between the digital asset and the adult entertainment outfit.

Pornhub hopes this new payment method will boost its digital assets wallet

As the years progressed, it witnessed the addition of small scale digital assets as the firm added Tron and not long after, they also added Horizen and PumaPay. Much to the fanfare recorded when they were launched, the digital assets failed to witness mainstream adoption on the site as it only contributed about 1% to Pornhub premium subscription. 

With other porn platforms accepting Bitcoin not long after the coin gained massive popularity, pornhub is now doing that after 11 long years. With the new payments via Bitcoin and Litecoin feature, Pornhub can boast of a swell digital assets purse that will account for its 3 billion platform visits.

More on PornHub

Pornhub attracted media attention over an online petition accusing the UK’s biggest open access porn site from profiting from videos of rape and sexual abuse that has reached over 350,000 signatures.

Some videos on Pornhub – as on other free to view sites – show extremely hardcore and violent pornography. Bitcoin and Litecoin only makes these types of services more accessible to underage patrons. One cannot help but notice the bad name that cryptocurrencies get out of licentiousness such as these.

Campaigners say that this fact, coupled with the high prevalence of videos promoting sex with young teenagers – “teen” is one of the most popular categories on the site – means there is an urgent need to know for certain that videos are made consensually.

Tags: Bitcoin IndustryDigital CurrencyFintech