More Passive Earnings | Swissborg

Swissborg is a really cool crypto community that aims at raising $500000 that will launch the campaign. It's been some months now and the numbers still didn't move the 200k mark but good things are known to take time. The works are a $1 added to the pool for every one new addition to the community, the KYC is not too strict. The whole Swissborg setup is clean and straight to the point, sign up, no deposit just predict bitcoin prices wether it's going up or down. Your position entry doubles if you are correct. If you are wrong, then try to get more points before going wrong again.

The leaderboard helps maintain focus, it's like the swiss dreamboards not complicated at all. As all other platforms, referrals are the thing that's getting everyone connected so more referrals means more points to position, soon enough you could be the next 1st place holder. In the meantime this is what the typical Swissborg referral looks like. 

I've just predicted the future of Bitcoin! You should too :) Use my reference code QPEPZNQ to signup at

The next best thing is the Hall of Fame, it's tough, takes time and effort to get in there but there is no feeling better than this. As of this writing, the CHBS is trading at  $0.069808 USD, it has had better days.

Sweet and straight to the point.


Love n light

Bless up!