Huobi Returns to China with a New Headquarter

Huobi, one of the world’s biggest crypto exchange is to go back to its home country three years on after it was kicked out.

The Chongqing Mu­nic­i­pal Big Data Ap­pli­ca­tions De­vel­op­ment Ad­min­is­tra­tion and the Yubei Dis­trict gov­ern­ment signed an agree­ment with Huobi China last Thursday to open new headquarters in the mega-city of Chongqing (pictured above). 

Huobi will es­tab­lish its head­quar­ters in the Xi­antao In­ter­na­tional Big Data Val­ley – an in­dus­trial park that aims to serve as a hub for emerg­ing tech sec­tors. 

Under the Agree­ment, the three sig­na­to­ries will also work to­gether to cre­ate a “blockchain in­dus­trial base” in the re­gion, which will in­clude “the cre­ation of demon­stra­tion pro­jects, un­der­tak­ing re­search work, and cre­at­ing in­dus­try brands.”

Huobi was first founded in China in 2013 by Ts­inghua Uni­ver­sity alum­nus Leon Li, but was left hard hit by a ban on bit­coin ex­changes and ICOs im­posed by Bei­jing in Sep­tem­ber 2017. 

It sub­se­quently launched op­er­a­tions in Sin­ga­pore in No­vem­ber 2017, be­fore open­ing an of­fice in Japan in De­cem­ber of the same year. 


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