Guess Who Got a Book Deal?

Hello Crypto Friends!

It’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me. What a year, eh?

As we enter the holiday season in the year of COVID-19, it appears that crypto news is gaining some steam. Well, I’ve got some interesting news to add on top of what you’ve already heard.

As you may already know (and just in case you don’t), Bitcoin is now over $18,000. Here’s what the Bitcoin chart for 2020 looks like:

On another note, I recently launched a fintech YouTube channel titled Friday Fintech Roundup. I’ve posted four updates so far. Here’s the latest:

But the real announcement I want to make is this:

I’ve signed a book publishing deal with Business Expert Press to write a book titled Is Social Media Ready for Decentralization? A Critical Look at the Leading Blockchain Social Projects. The first draft of my manuscript is due in April 2021.

Want to Help Me Write My Book?

I know you like to keep up with the latest news on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. If you’re still interested, stay tuned, because I’ll be sharing updates on my progress in writing my book as well as some of the content to be included. You’ll be among the first to read as long as you subscribe to this blog.

But you can help in other ways too. Here’s what I’d like you to do for me to help spread the word about my book, its publisher, this newsletter, and cryptocurrencies in general:

  1. First, leave a comment below and let me know you want to keep up with the progress in writing my book. Doing this will let me know how many people are on board and ready for new content.

  2. Secondly, please share Cryptocracy with your friends.

  3. If you’re not yet subscribed, subscribe to my newsletter.

  4. Also, I’d appreciate any suggestions on topics you’d like me to cover in the book, blockchain-based social media projects you’d like me to write about, and your suggestions on professionals working in that arena that I can interview for my book.

Is Social Media Ready for Decentralization? A Critical Look at the Leading Blockchain Social Projects will be the first book published that specifically discusses the intersection between blockchain technology and social media. I’m very proud to be leading the pack on this and I’d like to take you along. Are you with me?