Games Industry Veterans Join Gala Games Ecosystem

Gala Games has signed industry veterans Peter Molyneux (Fable) and Will Wright (The Sims, SimCity) to make play-to-earn games tapping into the publisher’s blockchain ecosystem. Molyneux will create a game called Legacy, while Wright will help shape VoxVerse, a virtual world platform tapping into the existing Vox avatar NFTs.

Over the weekend Gala Games organized a game event in Las Vegas, called Into The Galaverse. The event allowed the community to come together, learn about upcoming products and connect on a personal level with the people behind the company. During the event Gala Games announced 4 new products, of which two are made by games industry veterans:

  • Legacy — a business simulation game made by Peter Molyneux and his 22cans studio
  • Last Expedition — a survival FPS in space made by Certain Affinity, an American game studio that worked on Call of Duty, Halo and Left 4 Dead. 
  • AMC’s The Walking Dead: Empires — A survival MMORPG in which players scavenge, craft and fight to survive. Create homes, team up, fight rivals and walkers.  
  • VoxVerse — there already is a virtual world where players can walk around with their Vox avatar. With the help of Will Wright VoxVerse will become vibrant, interactive and fun. 

The first NFT sale already took place on the Gala Games platform. A couple of thousand of deeds for businesses in Legacy sold out within hours. Soon the team will have an NFT land sale for The Walking Dead: Empires. 

These product reveals had a positive impact on the price of the native GALA token. The price went up from $0.48 to $0.61 over the weekend. Right now GALA has dropped 10% to $0.55. 

What is Legacy?

From the creative mind of Peter Molyneux and his 22cans studio comes Legacy, a blockchain-powered business simulation game. In this game players get to create their own business and design their own products. In Legacy you design, make, and trade products while growing and managing your town. 

A successful business becomes an empire. Players need to invent better products, produce them faster and make their town into a thriving city. Players can win competitions and earn through gameplay. This sounds quite a lot like Town Star, but in Legacy there’s a lot more micromanaging going on. The player controls every worker, every building in town, influencing their efficiency and happiness. 

In Legacy anybody with a business NFT can hand out Legacy Keys to their friends. This would effectively make them business partners. Players can then earn LegacyCoin.

Legacy (22cans/Gala Games)

What is AMC’s The Walking Dead: Empires?

Where The Sandbox partnered with the comic book branche of The Walking Dead universe, the team at Gala Games signed with AMC’s The Walking Dead. In The Walking Dead: Empires (TWDE) players need to team up with their friends to create a home, fight back walkers and defend against rivals. Players need the scavenge for scarce resources, craft items and fight to survive.

In The Walking Dead: Empires players can own land. As a landowner you can create a safe haven for others to seek refuge, or it can become a target. Landowners benefit nonetheless, because landowners earn when others buy, sell, fight or kill upon their territory. TWDE will rely strongly on social structures, as groups can pledge loyalty for protection or assert their dominance to gather pledges from others.