DeFi in healthcare – a slice of over $8 trillion worth pie

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is a global healthcare problem. It is showing that the problems of such scale demand solutions on the same level.

The problems of shared access to the latest medical advancements and knowledge are not alone. A financing solution that is globally available is also necessary.

In recent months the expansion of telemedicine shows the trend for the healthcare industry moving online. Solutions for financing medical services are currently lagging behind.

DeFi potential role

In the modern world, it is considered that access to affordable healthcare is a basic human right. That it should be irrespective of class, wealth, or any other socioeconomic distinctions.

Such democratic universalism of services can be powered by DeFi, which is based on the very same principle. The need for easy access to healthcare services is global, and if properly applied it can provide a globally accessible way of financing them.

Opportunity for growth

The global healthcare market was worth mind-boggling $8.45 trillion in 2018, with projected growth to $11.9 trillion by 2022. And DeFi has a definitive opportunity to take a slice of this pie.

Currently, the whole of this industry is estimated to be worth just south of nine billion dollars. It can provide solutions that will give an astounding growth potential inside of the healthcare industry.

DeFi is based around community governance, community funding, and the principle of transparency. It has the power to provide financial solutions that will expand the accessibility to affordable healthcare around the world.

Projects based around DeFi solutions have the power to bring the most benefits to those who need them, the community. Groundwork already exists, now it should be built upon and grown to scale.

DeFi has the power to remove almost all barriers currently existing between people and affordable access to healthcare. It is the future of healthcare.

Tags: pandemic