Crypto Influencers: 5 People Who Made the News This Week

This week, we once again look at the top five crypto influencers and how they impacted the news and markets for the week of Feb. 10 to Feb. 17. 

The second week of February was filled with plenty of news, crypto moves, and of course a bit of drama here and there. BeInCrypto takes a look at which crypto influencers impacted the news and what they had to say. 

While the market continues to show bullish momentum, crypto influencers appear to be dominating the news with their opinions, views and comments. Everyone has an opinion. Some of them good, some of them bad, some of them neither. 

This week’s top five people making waves includes Elon Musk, an actress, an extremely wealthy Mexican businessman, a Reddit co-founder, and a YouTube star. Starting off with none other than the doge king himself. 

Elon Musk 

Billionaire and Tesla founder Elon Musk makes the list once again following his commentary on dogecoin (DOGE). If you thought the richest man in the world was done talking about dogecoin, you were wrong.

Musk tweeted about dogecoin once again stating that the project is too centralized. In a recent tweet storm, Musk stated that the concentration of dogecoin amongst whales was too high. 

The Tesla founder even stated that if the whales sold out their bags, he would fully support dogecoin. 

Musk went on to further state that he would pay the whales actual cash to void their dogecoin holdings. Musk had also previously stated that he had purchased a bag of dogecoin for his son. Fittingly calling him a “toddler hodler.”

Musk has been a huge part of the dogecoin popularity in recent weeks and seems to have a strange attraction to the project that has never been taken seriously. Perhaps Musk sees value in a project that is absolutely decentralized and not run by anyone as the founder sold out years ago. He might actually have something there. 

Lindsay Lohan

Who would’ve thought the American actress, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and television personality would make the top five crypto influencers list this week? Well she did. Lohan makes the list for her recent commentary on the cryptocurrency market.

It appears that the celebrity either just figured out what cryptocurrencies are or has been actively advertising them. While hard to tell, her avid promotion of Justin Son’s projects seems rather fishy

However, Lohan has been tweeting about everything crypto-related. From non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to bitcoin (BTC), she has become a crypto influencer almost overnight. 

Lohan is now actively advertising her NFTs, with a competition offering 100 NFTs up for sale. One winner of the 100 buyers will take home 6 ethereum (ETH) and a shout out on Twitter by Lohan herself. 

No wonder the 34 year old is on the list. She has become an overnight crypto influencer. Now selling off her own NFTs for charity and for personal gain.

Alexis Ohanian

While he may not be the most well known person around, Alexis Ohanian is certainly playing in the big leagues. Ohanian is an American internet entrepreneur and investor.

He is best known as the co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit. While Reddit has become a huge part of the crypto community, it would only make sense that Ohanian has joined the crypto revolution. The Reddit co-founder recently added the bitcoin logo to his Twitter profile. 

Ohanian also tweeted that whoever invented Bitcoin is a hero. 

The latest bitcoin maximalist is also well known among sporting celebrities as the husband of famed tennis star Serena Williams. Now, it looks like he is set to help with the adoption of cryptocurrencies. 

Ricardo Salinas

We bring you yet another name you likely have never heard of. However Ricardo Salinas is very well known in his country of Mexico. Salinas is a multi-billionaire thanks to his Grupo Salinas, a group of companies with interests in telecommunications, media, financial services, and retail stores, which Salinas founded. 

Said to have a net worth of approximately $13 billion, Salinas recently added the bitcoin logo to his Twitter profile as well. It appears the wealthy are finally catching on to this decentralized craze. 

Salinas had recently tweeted a video showing a South American country throwing away paper money. Salinas states that it is always good to diversify your portfolio to avoid having your paper money become worthless.

The 65 year old becomes a flurry of celebrities across the world who are starting to catch on to bitcoin, and are adding the bitcoin logo to their Twitter bios. Something that American NFL star Russel Okung has begun sharing recently for people to consider doing. 

Marques Brownlee

Perhaps not well known in the crypto space until now. Marques Brownlee makes the list of top crypto influencers simply because of the sheer size of his audience. Brownlee is known professionally as MKBHD, as an American YouTuber. 

While that doesn’t sound all that impressive, it’s worth noting Brownlee has over 13 million YouTube subscribers. Making him one of the biggest youtubers in his respective field of technology-focused videos.

Brownlee recently posted a YouTube video titled “Dogecoin explained.” The video has already amassed nearly 1.2 million views. 

The video is interesting for several reasons. Firstly, it covers cryptocurrency to an audience of over 13 million subscribers. Essentially why Brownlee makes the list this week.

The video by Brownlee also unearthed the shady dealings of Tron (TRX) founder Sun. Sun had clearly stated that he had not offered any funds to celebrities to endorse his projects. However in the video Brownlee states that he was offered an advertising gig with Tron. The advertisement would require Brownlee to tweet about TRX. 

Sun had commented on the tweet related to Brownlee’s new video which features “shady behaviour in the crypto world” as tweeted by Brownlee. 

This week featured very diverse crypto influencers. All impacting the market in their own unique ways. What’s becoming evident is that cryptocurrency adoption is certainly gaining traction and spreading. No matter the gender, the age, or the background, bitcoin and crypto is here to stay. 


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