Blockchain against Coronavirus for medical supplies

In the latest blockchain against Coronavirus win, the 2nd largest Chinese courier turns to blockchain to transport emergency coronavirus pandemic supplies. According to Global Times, a local English newspaper, the SF Express, a prominent Chinese courier, is working on the way it can tap into the blockchain technology in delivering the much-needed supplies to COVID-19 pandemic victims.

It is not clear how far the courier service provider has gone with the blockchain implementation. Available reports, however, indicate that the company has “already begun the use of blockchain” in medicine and food transportation. These are the basic needs of the affected population.

Blockchain against Coronavirus pandemic

Per the report, blockchain digital LEDGER technology (DLT) stands out as the best emerging technology. Together with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data, the technology is helping medical personnel and other aid workers to provide much-needed relief to those affected.

By combining AI and big data, SF Express is able to develop a robust logistic ecosystem that will help in the verification, validating, tracking, and recording of supplies to the target Coronavirus hit locations. The blockchain against Coronavirus ecosystem is expected to be used as the identifier of priority locations and prevent substandard medicines and food, reaching the already suffering populations.

Chinese firms tackling Coronavirus pandemic using blockchain

SF Express joins other high profile companies in China to provide blockchain and AI to counter the coronavirus. Huawei and Alibaba are among the leading firms working on diagnostic solutions in the health sector.

Per the blockchain against Coronavirus media report, the entry of these high profile companies and the use of blockchain and Artificial Intelligence should be replicated by governments and charitable organizations not only to fight the virus but other health problems in the society.

However, all is not well with Beijing choosing to channel public donation through five select government-backed charitable organizations. Syren Johnson, a scholar, argues that only a decentralized system that can be used due to transparency, visibility, traceability, and reliability as afar as coronavirus supplies approach is concerned. This will go a long way in avoiding scams.

Tags: blockchaincoronavirus