Bitcoin never can gets hacked’ — crypto players answer ...

Dec 14, 2020 13:42 UTC

| Updated:

Dec 14, 2020 at 13:42 UTC


By Clark

“Bitcoin means that trusting a SHA256 algorithmic rule over the U.S Treasury,” quipped Blockfolio.

Crypto players were fast to reply to the news that hackers broken the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

According to a report from Reuters, a “sophisticated hacking group” backed by a distant government — reportedly Russia, consistent with 3 folks accustomed to the investigation — was able to breach the U.S. Department of the Treasury in addition because the National Telecommunications and data Administration, or NTIA, with the Department of Commerce.

The incident happened but a month once Donald Trump laid-off Department of Office of Homeland Security cybersecurity chief Chris Sir Hans Adolf Krebs. However, Reuters expressed that the hackers had been observance NTIA workers emails run on Microsoft’s workplace 365 “for months.’ different government agencies may additionally are broken, however sources didn’t offer extra details.

In response to the attack on such a robust administrative body, crypto players discerned the benefits of Bitcoin (BTC).

“Bitcoin ne’er gets hacked,” aforementioned Kraken’s head of business Dan remained Twitter. Bitcoin bull Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano echoed Held’s sentiment, oral communication “Bitcoin has never been hacked.”

Blockfolio took aim at the NTIA’s cybersecurity, implying the agency used dated algorithms for its science security:

It’s unclear whether or not any funds are compromised as a results of the breach. At the time of publication, the hack appears to be restricted to data probably purloined from government agencies’ emails.

“Jokes on them,” aforementioned MyCrypto founder and chief executive officer Taylor Monahan. “The treasury’s already been hacked by internal actors.” The statement might replicate the u. s. government printing extra money in 2020 than for nearly totality of the country’s existence.


Head of the technology.


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