Biconomy selected as the first blockchain project from India for Outlier Ventures accelerator

The team of Biconomy, a blockchain relayer infrastructure network and transaction platform, announced it is the first project from India selected for the Outlier Ventures Basecamp Accelerator program in London.

Biconomy’s relayer network comprises a suite of SDKs and APIs; that simplify the DApp development process for developers as well as abstracting many of the blockchain complexities; vastly enhancing the end-user experience for DApps and wallets.

“This marks a key milestone in our journey in building middleware solutions and tools; that help developers build out killer Web 3 applications that are seamless and user-friendly. We are very much honored for the opportunity to build innovative products that will help to bring blockchain to the masses. Along with our partners, investors, and community; we are looking forward to building the next generation of web 3 tools that will help improve crypto adoption!”

– The Biconomy team