Alarm Sounds As Hot & Unaudited DeFi Potato, YAM, Locks USD 387m In Hours

Source: Adobe/Joe Gough

Apparently, decentralized finance () is not risky enough for some people - the riskier the better(?). These have found a new thing to make seemingly popular, namely, pouring millions in an experimental and unaudited project.

First, there was yield farming in the wild world of DeFi, spiced up with governance tokens, and now some yield farmers have turned from already, objectively risky business to a freshly launched DeFi project - YAM.

Since its debut on the decentralized exchange yesterday, its price increased by 26%, to almost USD 88 (10:54 UTC), while trading volume surpassed USD 12m in less than a day.

Also, per Yamalytics, in 15 hours since its launch, total value locked into Yam Finance has climbed to USD 387m.

In comparison, total value locked into major DeFi platform Aave (LEND) stands at USD 530m today. The platform is fourth by this measure among DeFi projects tracked by

According to its team's post from August 11, YAM is an elastic supply crypto, expanding and contracting supply in response to market conditions. It's "an experimental protocol" in regards to governance, elasticity, farming, etc.

As for the audits, they wrote: "None. While the initial creators of the Yam protocol have made reasonable efforts to attempt to ensure the security of the contracts, [...] nothing approaching the rigor of a formal audit has been conducted at this time."

They warned of the crypto's experimental nature on their twitter account as well:

US-based crypto research boutique Delphi Digital called this new entrant "the DeFi crop of the day," stating in their post that it's "essentially an AMPL clone."

was until very recently a little-known altcoin, and then it in the second half of July. It soon prompted a number of clone coins, including some anties.

This itself followed the explosion of yield farming, and balancer (BAL) tokens.

The Cryptoverse immediately took notice of this latest development.

Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave, said that people are borrowing assets from Aave for YAM, calling it surreal. "I hope people are having sufficient collateral," he said.

There are opinions by certain investors that YAM could flip AMPL in market capitalization in a week. Per, YAM's current market capitalization is nearly USD 5 million, while AMPL's is USD 227.9 million.

Eric Conner, a product researcher at blockchain startup Gnosis, noted that YAM is even pumping the above-mentioned COMP, LEND, , and even , as "people FOMO [fear of missing out] buy for yield."

Some, like crypto educator Brad Laurie, wonder if, despite the high risk, "when something is this fresh, this experimental & unaudited, it can drive people to lock up numerous DeFi startup tokens for profit (part of the appeal to related teams)."

Meanwhile, some other crypto insiders believe that this is just a bad idea:

Here are a few more reactions and complementary jokes:




