1inch Completes Second Airdrop

1inch Exchange – a leading DEX aggregator – has provided another round of token distributions via airdrop under slightly different conditions from their prior airdrop in December.

For this second airdrop, Uniswap traders who have yet to swap tokens on 1INCH or Mooniswap were added to the receipt list. This February distribution required that each wallet address had at least 20 unique trading days and at least 3 trades made in 2021. This airdrop seems meant to introduce 1inch to new Uniswap traders that may be unaware of the DEX aggregator.

If you think you meet these conditions, head over to https://1inch.exchange/ to check if you’ve got any 1inch rewards waiting for you. Once you’ve connected your wallet click the purple button in the top right corner and then click “Check”. The 1inch airdrop will be immediately available if you are eligible.

While this airdrop is sure to make DeFi users happy, those in the US should remember the wise words shared by  Tax Firm TokenTax last year.

This is not tax advice in any way but users should consider consulting tax professionals before making strategic decisions around claiming their various airdrops. As the DeFi space continues to grow, we will only see more of these occurrences as protocols look to creatively reward current and potential users.

As a reminder, you can set up email notification using Claimable to get notified of airdrops like this one.

Keep up with 1inch by following their Twitter.