Wild week for Axie time in 300 ETH sale caps

Nov 8, 2020 05:46 UTC

| Updated:

Nov 8, 2020 at 05:46 UTC


By Clark

The best sale could be a cherry on prime of Axie Infinity’s sturdy week and even stronger year

While a rally within the latter 1/2 the week saw major names across the localized finance (DeFi) system climb upwards of 100 percent, Axie time — the Pokemon-inspired NFT game — carried the banner for the NFT house, capping off a wild week of progress with a best three hundred ether (roughly $130,000) sale.

The eye-poppingly pricey Axie — the NFT-backed critters accustomed play and battle within the Axie time game — is called Angel, and is one in every of nineteen “triple mystic” Axies presently living. Angel was sold-out on Friday on NFT marketplace Opensea, wherever it had been then quickly re-listed for a staggering 666 ether (over $250,000) sum.

The sale flat-top a powerful week for the sport that was stuffed with updates and news. Among the highlights were a livestreamed “The Last Lunacian” tournament, a collaboration with DeFi disposition protocol Aave on a limited-edition NFT set, and a breach of nine,000 monthly active users.

Perhaps most enjoyable for Axie community members, however, was the launch of Axie time Shards (AXS), Axie’s governance token, that went live to tell the tale Tues. per the Axie web site, the tokens are accustomed earn staking rewards, perform as currency on Axie’s native NFT marketplace, and grant holders pick rights within the forthcoming governance system.

“It’s clear that the globe is arousal to the large potential of Axie time and this special community we’ve cultivated,” aforesaid Axie time Growth Lead Jeff “Jiho” Zirlin in an exceedingly statement to Cointelegrap. “AXS, the Axie governance token, are the cornerstone of our mission to empower ample gamers.”

AXS was listed on BINANCE on weekday, wherever it presently trades at $.14 — up four-hundredth from its public sale worth.Major metrics area unit inform up for the sport across the board on the year. the entire range of wallets that presently hold associate degree Axie NFT has gone from three,045 to 14,929, an increase of 490%, and likewise total marketplace participants have up from two,056 to 10,042, an increase of 488% — each within the interior of parabolic flights, per information provided by explorer.

Axie’s progress can also mirror a growing interest across the NFT house. in an exceedingly recent interview, Aavegotchi co-founder Jesse Johnson aforesaid that NFTs might shortly become a backbone of DeFi, and therefore the NFT house as an entire has been valued as high as $100 million.

For his half, Zirlin believes this can be simply the start for NFTs in gaming:

“This is simply the start of a trend that may culminate with several of the worlds preferred games being owned and operated by the communities that play them.”


Head of the technology.
