Web3 Foundation leads new joint venture to accelerate blockchain projects in China

Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies have teamed up with Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase to launch a Web 3.0 Bootcamp, a joint venture to accelerate blockchain projects in China and put them on the fast track to global adoption and viability.

The Web 3.0 Bootcamp will support teams building public blockchains and distributed protocols that solve scalability, security and interoperability challenges. Global Substratebased teams are encouraged to apply on the Web 3.0 Bootcamp website by March 15th, 2020. Twelve teams will be selected as the first cohort that starts in late April 2020 with workspaces provided by partner New Chainbase in Shanghai.

Substrate is a blockchain framework developed by Parity Technologies for maximum flexibility and ease of development. Projects building with Substrate can easily deploy their custom blockchain as a shard of the Polkadot network. Beyond its scalability, Polkadot’s highly anticipated launch will bring a range of cutting-edge components to ambitious builders, such as its unique cross-chain composability with strong security guarantees. These components provide the fertile ground for a new wave of projects benefiting and contributing to the emerging network effects of this system.

Bootcamp Accelerator 

Web 3.0 Bootcamp teams will have direct access to Parity’s core developers and solution architects throughout the incubation of their projects, as teams build and test their proof-of-concept (PoC) within Wanxiang’s suite of enterprise portfolio companies in order to scale their technology. At the close of the program, the twelve teams will also benefit from access to the Web3 Foundation, Wanxiang Blockchain and Parity Technologies global network of partners to develop future investment capital opportunities.

“It is an honor to collaborate with blockchain experts like Web3 Foundation and Parity Technologies to accelerate the development of new distributed technologies. With the technology support and resources from Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase, this Bootcamp in Shanghai will be a strong foundation for innovative startups who want to drive economic development in China and expand their global reach. Also, this is a great opportunity for those teams who are interested in developing Web3.0 technology.”

– Yu Du, director of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase

Web 3.0 Bootcamp will encompass fast-growing business sectors including Automotive, Smart City, Supply Chain Finance, Insurance, and Government Public Service to pave the way for a new generation of disruptive applications. Startup teams will receive training in blockchain technologies, intellectual property, financing, branding, and product marketing, hiring and human resources, accounting and legal, and investor development.

“We are keen to collaborate with Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and New Chainbase to foster the rapidly growing community of founders – in China and Asia broadly – looking to build on Substrate and Polkadot. This year, in particular, I anticipate significant blockchain innovations from researchers, engineers, and founders in this region. We look forward to helping these local teams connect to a worldwide Web3 ecosystem and deploy global solutions.”

– Dr. Gavin Wood, founder, and president of Web3 Foundation

Global startups interested in applying for the Web 3.0 Bootcamp can begin their application here. Bootcamp activities such as training and tutoring will be conducted online, until further notice.

“With Substrate, a very powerful blockchain framework and Polkadot’s ever-growing technical community in China and Asia, we can achieve faster iterations, evolve even more rapidly and collaborate with the rest of the world. We are thrilled to be a part of the revolutionary ecosystem.”

– Alex Qian, co-founder of Darwinia Network