WATT Network, The Next Generation Decentralized Storage Thru Smartphones - Start Collecting WATT tokens Today!

What is WATT Network

WATT Network is decentralized storage thru your smartphone or for now you can increase your mining speed in several ways not including making storage bigger nor do you need storage at this point in the project. In this point of the project is the mining free until 6 billion WATT tokens (30%) have been mined and this is happening from your smartphone which act to validating transactions and store data on the network, this happening thru proof of work (PoW) with spatiotemporal proof.


More On The Smartphone Mining

The smartphones are using Stellar Consistency Protocol which is user-friendly for mobiles processing the transaction record to the ledger. The consensus used is SCP which stands for "The Star Consensus Protocol" using a mechanism called federated byzantine agreement this to ensure that updates to the LEDGER is accurate and reliable. Our smartphones as said are just nodes right node providing security to WATT's blockchain and ensure that no transactions are fraudulent or somehow wrong to the ledger (transaction record). This is also the first step in WATT's blockchain and anybody can contribute that has a smartphone  to ensure this the safety and get rewarded in WATT tokens.


The Watt Blockchain and Ecosystem Is Complex

Watt Network is complex and it's quite hard to figure out which consensus and algorithm which actor are using as it's several actors in the network. Below can you see an image of the WATT Blockchain to easier understand it.


The blockchain has many algorithms in place to secure it with ease and provide proof to the ledger itself. The algorithms used by Watt is Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of replication (porep), Proof of Time and Space (post). 


Watt Blockchain Is Divided In Stages 

Stage 1, is the mining application with SCP consensus described above, it's free mining of WATT tokens until 6 billion WATT tokens has been mined which is 30% of the total supply. This is the stage we're in now.

Stage 2, is hard disk mining, based on pledge mining and storage mining. The pledge mining is to ensure security to the blockchain and everyone participating on Watt network need to pledge mine. The pledge mining do revive block rewards. The storage mining do of course get block rewards just as Chia network. As we saw with Chia is this a highly competitive part for block rewards. It's uncertain how much WATT tokens it will be mined in this stage.

Stage 3, implement mobile mining. In this stage can you provide storage with mobiles to this is implemented to provide even more storage and a more efficient network when it comes to security and storage costs. The providing mobiles will also get rewards. 

Stage 4, this stage is divided in many other stages to and the first is the governance model and this is running off-chain this is when then network has under 5 million users and the WATT core team will have a important affect in this stage. After more than 5 million users have been reach will Watt come to constitutional convention which is a committee based on contributions to Watt Network.  


During this stages will other stages happen in cooperation with each other. This is distributing the mining program with the SCP consensus which is now when this stage is done will the network start with the testnet to test the nodes and secure stability. The last and final stage is mainnet. 

If you want to start mine WATT tokens and register can you click HERE to proceed. The app can be downloaded at Google Play but not on App Store. But you can still use Watt network on iphone just register and put that mining screen as a home button (It will be like an app almost but when you click on it you come to the webpage of mining but it acts like an app. I hope you understand what I mean. 


Thank you for reading and all support!



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- SSCoin (starryskycoin), 10 SSCoin for free then you start PoS mining for more!, node system and other rewarding systems in place (Little time left). Click here to proceed.

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