VeChain, I-Dante Partner to Create E-HCert

The E-HCert would provide an archival solution for COVID-19 RT-PCR (real time-polymerase chain reaction) and antibodies tests (Rapid Test) records.

The E-HCert would function with the Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems which would make sure data can be shared effectively, and different data systems can communicate with each other securely.

According to an official announcement the E-HCert is based on the VeChain Thor blockchain and is aimed at helping the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new initiative would provide hospitals with a fast and simple means of on-chaining patient’s COVID-19 related testing records. Notably, the E-HCert is approved by the Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus.

Additionally, the E-HCert will enable government authorities, employers and other concerning parties to access health information. At the discretion of the individual while controlling privacy exposure.

Reason EHR Blockchain should be utilized

Currently as the virus continues to wreak havoc globally there’s the urgent need for a collection of trustworthy and standardized encrypted medical records. Which can be easily and safely shared between multi parties.

Additionally, the testing results of individuals are vital for public welfare and personal rights, making the EHR blockchain needed. As authorities globally are calling on healthcare institutions to rapidly provide secure and legit access to patient information to determine their infection and health status.

Also, it would provide individuals with a trustworthy and reliable proof for their own health records. And also provide full control over their privacy requirements.

It’s worth noting that when compared with traditional technologies, blockchain technology provides vastly better opportunities for companies.

In the health sector it would assist review and redesign their healthcare data systems. Also optimize the overall workflow design, while simultaneously enabling every patient to safely hold their electronic healthcare records. Which can be share anytime, with doctor, hospital, institution, government agencies, or any authority in the world.

About VeChain

VeChain is the pioneer of applications using public blockchain technology, with operations in Singapore, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, Hong Kong, and San Francisco.

Establish in 2015, the blockchain firm connects blockchain technology to the real world. By providing a comprehensive governance structure, a robust economic model, and IoT integration.

VeChain has disclosed that it intends to use the new initiative to promote blockchain technology and empower more companies in the healthcare sector. By doing so, it will invariably play a central role in the acceleration of the digitalization of the healthcare industry.

The blockchain platform recently collaborated with Shanghai Gas to further achieve this mission. Also, recently it announced a partnership with the Asia Pacific Provenance Council (APAC) to improve efficiency in the cross-continental food ecosystem.