Tracking my (small) passive income crypto portfolio - January 29, 2022

A month ago I posted about some coin/tokens I am holding for passive income: Hive, Steem and Pancakeswap. I haven't really track the performance of these since I didn't normally change position/allocations of these. But starting now, I decided to post my positions of two tokens/coins time to time to track for my information how many number of token/coins I am receiving from 'delegation' or 'pool' return. I will start tracking Steem and Pancakeswap and may start tracking Hive as well in future as well.

(Please feel free to check out my past post:

*For your information, as you can tell from the small size of my portfolio, I am not a professional investment advisor and not providing any investment advice. If you need an advice for your investment please consult your professional investment advisor :)

My current position

Steem: 105.794

Since Steemit is a blogging platform, I receive not only regular return from delegation but also payout for the posts I write when upvoted(like getting tips from Publish0x). But I am using this platform more like my personal diary so audience is almost none and payout from my writing is minimal. Still, I will try break down what I got from delegation and what I got from curation, or writing. 

 Pancakeswap: 3.53767

I am holding Pancakeswap in 'Auto CAKE' pool. This pool takes part of investment return(2%) as performance fee, but I like it more than 'Manual CAKE' pool since I don't have to keep harvesting and restaking by myself. According to the Pancakeswap website, currently APY is showing 63.52% based on 5000 compound daily(APR lower than 50%). USD value of Pancakeswap had dropped significantly(probably like -75~80% Lol) compared to when I first put money in this pool so high APY is still not enough to cover my loss but I am hodling and waiting for long term!

I don't know how often I will track and update these but I will try my best to post at least once a month, or once a week when possible, cheers :)

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