Tracking my (small) passive income crypto portfolio - February 14, 2022 (1-Week performance)

About more than two weeks ago I started tracking my very small portfolio of two tokens/coins, Steem and Pancakeswap, which I am holding for passive return. Number of token/coins increases as time passes as I am receiving coins/tokens from 'delegation' or 'pool' return. There may be other great tokens providing high yields but for now I am staying with these two.

(Please feel free to check out my past post:

*For your information, as you can tell from the small size of my portfolio, I am not a professional investment advisor and not providing any investment advice. If you need an advice for your investment please consult your professional investment advisor :)

My current positions

Steem: 107.477 (Last time: 106.681, 0.75% increase / Jan 29: 105.794)

Since Steemit is a blogging platform, I receive not only regular return from delegation but also payout for the posts I write when upvoted(like getting tips from Publish0x). During this period, out of total increase of 0.396 Steem, 0.4 Steem were from delegation rewards or witness voting rewards which are not from writing a blog post but passively received ones.

 Pancakeswap: 3.61429 (Last time: 3.57979, 0.96% increase / Jan 29:3.53767)

I am holding Pancakeswap in 'Auto CAKE' pool. This pool takes part of investment return(2%) as performance fee, but I like it more than 'Manual CAKE' pool since I don't have to keep harvesting and restaking by myself. 

Hope crypto market recovers as Spring arrives :)