The Stellar Blockchain Launches a Blockchain Bootcamp for African Startups

Stellar Foundation alongside DFS Lab, has put out an open call for a blockchain bootcamp for African startups. The call-out targets early to mid stage startups, and will be an opportunity to build projects on the Stellar blockchain.

The 3-day design bootcamp will offer participating startups hands-on technical support and guidance from both the DFS and the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) teams.


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According to Stellar, particpating companies will:

  • Define a problem
  • Storyboard a solution
  • Develop a rapid prototype of their innovation

The foundation is eager to support blockchain-oriented ideas of African developers and startups while equipping them with practical tools and education to create viable solutions that fit local African needs.

Speaking about this collaboration with DFS and what it will mean for early-stage startups, Denelle Dixon, CEO and Executive Director, Stellar Development Foundation, said:

“We’re thrilled to collaborate with DFS Lab to support early-stage startups building the future of digital commerce in Africa. It’s part of SDF’s effort to increase financial access and inclusion specifically with solutions rooted in local needs and expertise.

It’s an honor to be a resource for bootcamp companies building on Stellar. We can’t wait to see how they innovate.”

                     – CEO, Stellar Development Foundation

Some viable use cases proposed for the bootcamp include:

  • Cross-border / multi-currency payments
  • Access to financial services
  • Payment processing
  • New models across asset management – tokenized assets / treasury management
  • Compliance
  • NFTs
  • Gaming Charity donations
  • Trade finance – business payments for high-cost corridors
  • Liquidity – multi-currency savings / yield-earning accounts

The promising solutions will be awarded prizes from 5, 000 – 20, 000 in USDC with follow-on grants funding opportunities. There will also be potential investment from SDF’s Enterprise Fund and other investors on demo day.

Any of the startups below are eligible to apply:

  • Interested fintech companies
  • Blockchain native companies
  • Crypto-curious companies

operating in Africa and looking to advance their existing services or embed digital asset solutions into their models for the first time are all counraged to apply.

NB: All applications should be submitted before August 20, 2021.


Apply here


About Stellar

Stellar is a decentralized, fast, scalable, and sustainable blockchain network for financial products and services that is both a cross-currency transaction network and a platform for digital asset issuance with over 5 million accounts.

The Stellar Development Foundation (SDF), on the other hand, is a non-profit independent organization supporting the development and growth of the Stellar open-source ecosystem by supporting and maintaining the Stellar codebase and developer, fintech, and business communities building on the network.


About DFS Lab

DFS Lab is an early-stage investor for Africa’s most promising founder leading the next generation of digital commerce. It offers both global and local mentorship to its flagship accelerator program.


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