Terra Virtua: The AR/VR Blockchain Collectible Platform

Terra Virtua is a digital collectible platform that allows users to experience their items in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). They boast of collectibles from big names such as the Lost In Space and The Godfather with more to come. Most importantly, users can easily navigate and use the platform without any blockchain knowledge.

Here is a rundown on what you can expect from Terra Virtua.

Sign up 

Terra Virtua is currently in public beta and users can access the platform here. When you enter the website, there are two access points where you can sign up from.

Click on the signup or register link and create your account from there. Once you have done entering your details and setting up your account, you will be directed to a vFlect selection page.

Select the vFlect you will like to use as your avatar and confirm your email address afterward. 


Under your profile, you will be able to edit your personal information and also create an Ethereum account. You can either use an existing Metamask account or generate a new Ethereum address. Creating a new Ethereum account takes about 5 seconds and you will be shown a private key which you need to keep safe. 

Creating or using an Ethereum account is optional and users can fully use the platform without doing this. 


The inventory shows all the digital assets you own. You can also click on each asset to view their characteristics.

Clicking on the view in the 3D option opens a new window in which you can view your avatar in three-dimension form.

Terra Wallet 

Unlike most digital marketplaces, payment on Terra Virtua allows credit or debit cards in addition to Ethereum. They have made the payment system as seamless as possible so anyone can use it easily. This is how they believe blockchain collectibles will go mainstream. METAMASK and other crypto wallets can be still quite a challenge for the general public to use.

If you top up funds into your Terra wallet, your funds appear instantly once you have finished with the topping up procedure.

Alternatively, you can choose to pay directly using your credit card instead or the Terra wallet when checking out. 


Head over to the Marketplace tab where you can start your shopping spree.

The marketplace will show all available avatars as well as purchased ones with their last sold price. There are many filters with which you can use to find the perfect avatar for yourself. If you click on the Filters tab, you can also filter using the brand, rarity, and price range. 

When you see an avatar you like, just add them to your cart. Once you are done selecting what you want, head over to the cart option at the top right to checkout. 

When you proceed to checkout, you can either pay with your Terra wallet or credit card. After selecting your payment method, proceed to confirm payment, and you are done. Your avatar will instantly appear in your inventory.


You will be able to sell and auction off your avatars at any time you want. Go to your Inventory or Auction tab and select the avatar you wish to sell.

Mobile App

The Terra Virtua mobile app is available on Google Play. The collectibles you own can be displayed in AR. You will be able to take pictures and video yourself with your collectibles or just show off your prized possessions where you go. All you need to do is to log in to your account in the mobile app and you can go on an AR adventure with any of your collectibles. 


The Fancave is the digital crib that you can personalize and have fun in. Display your digital collectibles like real items, watch TV, and more in this personal space.

Coming soon – You will also be able to invite friends over to chill, play games, and enjoy your amazing digital collection as a social environment.

Once you have downloaded the Fancave, you only need to log-in to start interacting with space. Displaying your collectibles and pictures is fast and easy to carry out. Movement in the Fancave is smooth and items work perfectly too.


Terra Virtua allows anyone to experience the wonders of digital collectibles without actually knowing how blockchain is being used. Sign up is smooth and quick and the marketplace and platform are easy to understand and navigate around. There isn’t the pain of signing in with any crypto wallet or even needing to worry about gas fees. This is one of the most user-friendly and easy-to-use blockchain collectible marketplace I’ve used so far. 

For collectors or people interested in the digital collectible space, this is a platform you need to check out and explore for yourself. Especially the Fancave where you can display and show off your collectible easily. With a partnership with Paramount, Big Immersive, and many more, things will only start to get more exciting. Overall, a very pleasant experience using the platform, mobile app, and Fancave. And I cannot wait to see what updates are going to come out next.  

Terra Virtua



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