Sugarchain news



                             Today we watching SUGAR :


                         It says the world's fastest PoW blockchain, you can read more about Sugar project here : 






                     I was trying sugar two months ago and looks ok cryptocurrency, the problem like other cpu coins with low value 

                        it's not listed on too many exchanges. 

                        SUGARCHAIN Twitter : @sugarchain_dev                                                                                                                                                                                 Lets see what happen in a near future with all these small coins and blockchains. If they grow maybe we can have

                        Swaps or Staking programs with this Cryptos or even NFT and DApps. 

                    Just in case we can give a try for free or with a small investment. 

                    Let me know what you think about SUGAR and other cryptos like that.

                    By the way don't forget to follow, like, leave your comment and tip for more.


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