PAID Network dApp Launch, Other Exciting 2021 Updates

Remarkably, PAID Network has plans to launch several exciting updates like its UX v2.0 upgrade and token staking, in addition to several others. The network is looking to build the world’s first-ever unlimited SMART Agreements dApp.

The platform is majorly focused on providing its services to businesses, subsequently making them more efficient. Businesses will also enjoy better insurance packages, complete escrow, a better reputation, and top-notch dispute resolution techniques. Interestingly, PAID Network also aims to provide users with the ability to design their own policies.

To achieve these remarkable features, the platform has put together several important items that need to be completed. These actions put together make up PAID Network’s 2021 roadmap.

PAID Network 2020 Overview

The network made significant progress last year.

  • For one, it recently completed its Minimum Viable Product (MVP). The MVP currently contains several business agreements running on the Rinkeby testnet.
  • Made a significant increase to its team, including snagging former CTO of Travelocity, Lawrence Hutson, as its new CTO.
  • Actively working with Polkastarter to launch its public sale on January 20. The public sale currently has more than 59,000 whitelist applications.
  • PAID Network also successfully completed its private sale of $2 million, with allocation requests exceeding $40 million.
  • The network strategically partnered with top players in the crypto space like Kylin, DuckDAO, Chainlink, TomoChain, Gather, PlasmaPay, and Evedo.
2021 Roadmap

The platform has divided its roadmap into six parts, extending it beyond 2021 to Q2 of 2022.

Q1 2021

In the first quarter of 2021, users should expect updates like the:

  • Network dApp launch
  • Token generation event
  • Inclusion of gamification features on the platform
  • Launch of native mobile apps for Android and iOS devices
  • UX version 2.0 upgrade
  • Launch of its referral system
  • Commencing of its crowdfunding sale (private and public)
Q2 2021
  • Token staking
  • Link up with and share contacts
  • Fee sponsoring
  • Launch of the full SMART Agreement negotiation, including audit logs, etc.
  • Create a bridge with Plasm to Polkadot (interoperability)
Q3 2021
  • Launch of Decentralized Identity (DID) with biometric authentication
  • Payment escrow
  • Reputation score
  • Connect with contacts
  • Community arbitration in dispute resolution
  • Launch of a premium fundraising platform (DAICO)
Q4 2021
  • DeFi insurance
  • Business-scale modular contracts
  • Launch of borrowing and lending services
  • Launch of peer-to-peer (P2P) and business-to-business (B2B) marketplace

Q1 2022 will see the official launch of its public API and undercollateralized loans. Q2 of 2022 will record the launch of stakeholder voting and the full DAO launch.

While these plans are indeed lofty goals, PAID Network points out that they are indeed achievable. According to the dApp platform, it has built a reliable team that is ready to execute the above-listed roadmap features.

PAID Network, like the DeFi space, is looking to completely disrupt the legal space (DeLa) as we know it by introducing decentralization to its services.

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